subroutine solvopt(n,x,f,fun,flg,grad,options,flfc,func,flgc, 1 gradc,B,g,g0,g1,gt,gc,z,x1,xopt,xrec,grec,xx,deltax,idx, 2 iout,ifile) c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c The subroutine SOLVOPT performs a modified version of Shor's r-algorithm in c order to find a local minimum resp. maximum of a nonlinear function c defined on the n-dimensional Euclidean space c or c a local minimum for a nonlinear constrained problem: c min { f(x): g(x) (<)= 0, g(x) in R(m), x in R(n) }. c Arguments: c n is the space dimension (integer*4), c x is the n-vector, the coordinates of the starting point c at a call to the subroutine and the optimizer at regular return c (double precision), c f returns the optimum function value c (double precision), c fun is the entry name of a subroutine which computes the value c of the function at a point x, should be declared as external c in a calling routine, c synopsis: fun(x,f) c grad is the entry name of a subroutine which computes the gradient c vector of the function at a point x, should be declared as c external in a calling routine, c synopsis: grad(x,g) c func is the entry name of a subroutine which computes the MAXIMAL c RESIDIAL!!! (a scalar) for a set of constraints at a point x, c should be declared as external in a calling routine, c synopsis: func(x,fc) c gradc is the entry name of a subroutine which computes the gradient c vector for a constraint with the MAXIMAL RESIDUAL at a point x, c should be declared as external in a calling routine, c synopsis: gradc(x,gc) c flg, (logical) is a flag for the use of a subroutine : c .true. means gradients are calculated by the user-supplied routine. c flfc, (logical) is a flag for a constrained problem: c .true. means the maximal residual for a set of constraints c is calculated by . c flgc, (logical) is a flag for the use of a subroutine : c .true. means gradients of the constraints are calculated c by the user-supplied routine. c options is a vector of optional parameters (double precision): c options(1)= H, where sign(H)=-1 resp. sign(H)=+1 means minimize resp. c maximize (valid only for an unconstrained problem) and c H itself is a factor for the initial trial step size c (options(1)=-1.d0 by default), c options(2)= relative error for the argument in terms of the infinity-norm c (1.d-4 by default), c options(3)= relative error for the function value (1.d-6 by default), c options(4)= limit for the number of iterations (1.5d4 by default), c options(5)= control of the display of intermediate results and error c resp. warning messages (default value is 0.d0, i.e., no intermediate c output but error and warning messages, see the manual for more), c options(6)= maximal admissible residual for a set of constraints c (options(6)=1.d-8 by default, see the manual for more), c *options(7)= the coefficient of space dilation (2.5d0 by default), c *options(8)= lower bound for the stepsize used for the difference c approximation of gradients (1.d-11 by default,see the manual for more). c (* ... changes should be done with care) c Returned optional values: c options(9), the number of iterations, if positive, c or an abnormal stop code, if negative (see manual for more), c -1: allocation error, c -2: improper space dimension, c -3: returns an improper value, c -4: returns a zero vector or improper value at the c starting point, c -5: returns an improper value, c -6: returns an improper value, c -7: function is unbounded, c -8: gradient is zero at the point, c but stopping criteria are not fulfilled, c -9: iterations limit exceeded, c -11: Premature stop is possible, c -12: Result may not provide the true optimum, c -13: Function is flat: result may be inaccurate c in view of a point. c -14: Function is steep: result may be inaccurate c in view of a function value, c options(10), the number of objective function evaluations, and c options(11), the number of gradient evaluations. c options(12), the number of constraint function evaluations, and c options(13), the number of constraint gradient evaluations. c ____________________________________________________________________________ c implicit none include '' logical flg,flgc,flfc, constr, app, appconstr logical FsbPnt, FsbPnt1, termflag, stopf logical stopping, dispwarn, Reset, ksm,knan,obj integer n, kstore, ajp,ajpp,knorms, k, kcheck, numelem integer dispdata, ld, mxtc, termx, limxterm, nzero, krerun integer warnno, kflat, stepvanish, i,j,ni,ii, kd,kj,kc,ip integer iterlimit, kg,k1,k2, kless integer m1 double precision options(13),doptions(13) double precision x(n),f double precision nsteps(3), gnorms(10), kk, nx double precision ajb,ajs, des, dq,du20,du10,du03 double precision n_float, cnteps double precision low_bound, ZeroGrad, ddx, y double precision lowxbound, lowfbound, detfr, detxr, grbnd double precision fp,fp1,fc,f1,f2,fm,fopt,frec,fst, fp_rate double precision PenCoef, PenCoefNew double precision gamma,w,wdef,h1,h,hp double precision dx,ng,ngc,nng,ngt,nrmz,ng1,d,dd, laststep double precision zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven double precision eight,nine,ten,hundr double precision infty, epsnorm,epsnorm2,powerm12 double precision B,g,g0,g1,gt,gc,z double precision x1,xopt,xrec,grec,xx,deltax integer idx dimension B(n,n),g(n),g0(n),g1(n),gt(n),gc(n),z(n) dimension x1(n),xopt(n),xrec(n),grec(n),xx(n),deltax(n) dimension idx(n) character endwarn*100 external fun,grad,func,gradc integer iout character*(*) ifile data 1 zero/0.d0/, one/1.d0/, two/2.d0/, three/3.d0/, four/4.d0/, 2 five/5.d0/, six/6.d0/, seven/7.d0/, eight/8.d0/, nine/9.d0/, 3 ten/1.d1/, hundr/1.d2/, powerm12/1.d-12/, 4 infty /1.d100/, epsnorm /1.d-15/, epsnorm2 /1.d-30/ if (options(5).gt.-one) then open(unit=iout,file=ifile(1:len_trim(ifile)),status='unknown') endif c Check the dimension: if ( then if (options(5).gt.-one) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error2 endif options(9)=-one goto 999 endif n_float=dble(n) c store flags: app=.not.flg constr=flfc appconstr=.not.flgc c Default values for options: call soptions(doptions) do i=1,8 if (options(i) then options(i)=doptions(i) elseif (i.eq.2.or.i.eq.3.or.i.eq.6) then options(i)=dmax1(options(i),powerm12) options(i)=dmin1(options(i),one) if (i.eq.2)options(i)=dmax1(options(i),options(8)*hundr) elseif (i.eq.7) then options(7)=dmax1(options(i),1.5d0) endif enddo c WORKING CONSTANTS AND COUNTERS ----{ options(10)=zero !! counter for function calculations options(11)=zero !! counter for gradient calculations options(12)=zero !! counter for constraint function calculations options(13)=zero !! counter for constraint gradient calculations iterlimit=idint(options(4)) if (constr) then h1=-one !! NLP: restricted to minimization cnteps=options(6) else h1=dsign(one,options(1)) !! Minimize resp. maximize a function endif k=0 !! Iteration counter wdef=one/options(7)-one !! Default space transf. coeff. c Gamma control ---{ ajb=one+1.d-1/n_float**2 !! Base I ajp=20 ajpp=ajp !! Start value for the power ajs=1.15d0 !! Base II knorms=0 do i=1,10 gnorms(i)=zero enddo c---} c Display control ---{ if (options(5) then dispdata=0 if (options(5).eq.-one) then dispwarn=.false. else dispwarn=.true. endif else dispdata=idnint(options(5)) dispwarn=.true. endif ld=dispdata c---} c Stepsize control ---{ dq=5.1d0 !! Step divider (at f_{i+1}>gamma*f_{i}) du20=two du10=1.5d0 du03=1.05d0 !! Step multipliers (at certain steps made) kstore=3 do i=1,kstore nsteps(i)=zero !! Steps made at the last 'kstore' iterations enddo if (app) then des=6.3d0 !! Desired number of steps per 1-D search else des=3.3d0 endif mxtc=3 !! Number of trial cycles (steep wall detect) c---} termx=0 limxterm=50 !! Counter and limit for x-criterion c stepsize for gradient approximation ddx=dmax1(1.d-11,options(8)) low_bound=-one+1.d-4 !! Lower bound cosine used to detect a ravine ZeroGrad=n_float*1.d-16 !! Lower bound for a gradient norm nzero=0 !! Zero-gradient events counter c Low bound for the values of variables to take into account lowxbound=dmax1(options(2),1.d-3) c Lower bound for function values to be considered as making difference lowfbound=options(3)**2 krerun=0 !! Re-run events counter detfr=options(3)*hundr !! Relative error for f/f_{record} detxr=options(2)*ten !! Relative error for norm(x)/norm(x_{record}) warnno=0 !! the number of warn.mess. to end with kflat=0 !! counter for points of flatness stepvanish=0 !! counter for vanished steps stopf=.false. c ----} End of setting constants c ----} End of the preamble c-------------------------------------------------------------------- c COMPUTE THE FUNCTION ( FIRST TIME ) ----{ call fun(n,x,f) c write(iout,*) 'f' c write(iout,*) f options(10)=options(10)+one if (dabs(f).ge.infty) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error32 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-three goto 999 endif do i=1,n xrec(i)=x(i) enddo frec=f !! record point and function value c Constrained problem if (constr) then kless=0 fp=f call func(n,x,fc) c write(iout,*) 'g' c write(iout,*) fc options(12)=options(12)+one if (dabs(fc).ge.infty) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error52 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-five goto 999 endif PenCoef=one !! first rough approximation if (fc.le.cnteps) then FsbPnt=.true. !! feasible point fc=zero else FsbPnt=.false. endif f=f+PenCoef*fc endif c ----} c COMPUTE THE GRADIENT ( FIRST TIME ) ----{ if (app) then do i=1,n deltax(i)=h1*ddx enddo obj=.true. if (constr) then call apprgrdn(n,g,x,fp,fun,deltax,obj) else call apprgrdn(n,g,x,f,fun,deltax,obj) endif options(10)=options(10)+n_float else call grad(n,x,g) c write(iout,*) 'gf' c write(iout,*) g options(11)=options(11)+one endif ng=zero do i=1,n ng=ng+g(i)*g(i) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) if ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error42 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-four goto 999 elseif ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error43 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-four goto 999 endif if (constr) then if (.not.FsbPnt) then if (appconstr) then do j=1,n if (x(j) then deltax(j)=ddx else deltax(j)=-ddx endif enddo obj=.false. call apprgrdn(n,gc,x,fc,func,deltax,obj) else call gradc(n,x,gc) c write(iout,*) 'dg' c write(iout,*) gc endif ngc=zero do i=1,n ngc=ngc+gc(i)*gc(i) enddo ngc=dsqrt(ngc) if ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error62 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-six goto 999 elseif ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error63 endif options(9)=-six goto 999 endif do i=1,n g(i)=g(i)+PenCoef*gc(i) enddo ng=zero do i=1,n ng=ng+g(i)*g(i) grec(i)=g(i) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) endif endif do i=1,n grec(i)=g(i) enddo nng=ng c ----} c INITIAL STEPSIZE d=zero do i=1,n if ( d=dabs(x(i)) enddo h=h1*dsqrt(options(2))*d !! smallest possible stepsize if (dabs(options(1)) then h=h1*dmax1(dabs(options(1)),dabs(h)) !! user-supplied stepsize else h=h1*dmax1(one/dlog(ng+1.1d0),dabs(h)) !! calculated stepsize endif C RESETTING LOOP ----{ do while (.true.) kcheck=0 !! Set checkpoint counter. kg=0 !! stepsizes stored kj=0 !! ravine jump counter do i=1,n do j=1,n B(i,j)=zero enddo B(i,i)=one !! re-set transf. matrix to identity g1(i)=g(i) enddo fst=f dx=0 c ----} c MAIN ITERATIONS ----{ if (options(5) then write(iout,*) 1 'Iteration # ..... Function Value ..... ', 2 'Step Value ..... Gradient Norm' endif do while (.true.) k=k+1 kcheck=kcheck+1 laststep=dx c ADJUST GAMMA --{ gamma=one+dmax1(ajb**((ajp-kcheck)*n),two*options(3)) gamma=dmin1 ( gamma,ajs**dmax1(one,dlog10(nng+one)) ) c --} ngt=zero ng1=zero dd=zero do i=1,n d=zero do j=1,n d=d+B(j,i)*g(j) enddo gt(i)=d dd=dd+d*g1(i) ngt=ngt+d*d ng1=ng1+g1(i)*g1(i) enddo ngt=dsqrt(ngt) ng1=dsqrt(ng1) dd=dd/ngt/ng1 w=wdef c JUMPING OVER A RAVINE ----{ if ( then if (kj.eq.2) then do i=1,n xx(i)=x(i) enddo endif if (kj.eq.0) kd=4 kj=kj+1 w=-.9d0 !! use large coef. of space dilation h=h*two if (*kd) then kd=kd+1 warnno=1 endwarn=endwarn1 do i=1,n if (dabs(x(i)-xx(i)).lt.epsnorm*dabs(x(i))) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn08 endif endif enddo endif else kj=0 endif c ----} c DILATION ----{ nrmz=zero do i=1,n z(i)=gt(i)-g1(i) nrmz=nrmz+z(i)*z(i) enddo nrmz=dsqrt(nrmz) if (*ngt) then do i=1,n z(i)=z(i)/nrmz enddo c New direction in the transformed space: g1=gt+w*(z*gt')*z and c new inverse matrix: B = B ( I + (1/alpha -1)zz' ) d = zero do i=1,n d=d+z(i)*gt(i) enddo ng1=zero d = d*w do i=1,n dd=zero g1(i)=gt(i)+d*z(i) ng1=ng1+g1(i)*g1(i) do j=1,n dd=dd+B(i,j)*z(j) enddo dd=w*dd do j=1,n B(i,j)=B(i,j)+dd*z(j) enddo enddo ng1=dsqrt(ng1) else do i=1,n z(i)=zero g1(i)=gt(i) enddo nrmz=zero endif do i=1,n gt(i)=g1(i)/ng1 enddo do i=1,n d=zero do j=1,n d=d+B(i,j)*gt(j) enddo g0(i)=d enddo c ----} c RESETTING ----{ if ( then numelem=0 do i=1,n if (dabs(g(i)).gt.ZeroGrad) then numelem=numelem+1 idx(numelem)=i endif enddo if ( then grbnd=epsnorm*dble(numelem**2) ii=0 do i=1,numelem j=idx(i) if (dabs(g1(j)).le.dabs(g(j))*grbnd) ii=ii+1 enddo if (ii.eq.n .or. then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn20 endif if (dabs(fst-f).lt.dabs(f)*1.d-2) then ajp=ajp-10*n else ajp=ajpp endif h=h1*dx/three k=k-1 exit endif endif endif c ----} c STORE THE CURRENT VALUES AND SET THE COUNTERS FOR 1-D SEARCH do i=1,n xopt(i)=x(i) enddo fopt=f k1=0 k2=0 ksm=.false. kc=0 knan=.false. hp=h if (constr) Reset=.false. c 1-D SEARCH ----{ do while (.true.) do i=1,n x1(i)=x(i) enddo f1=f if (constr) then FsbPnt1=FsbPnt fp1=fp endif c NEW POINT do i=1,n x(i)=x(i)+hp*g0(i) enddo ii=0 do i=1,n if (dabs(x(i)-x1(i)).lt.dabs(x(i))*epsnorm) ii=ii+1 enddo c FUNCTION VALUE call fun(n,x,f) c write(iout,*) 'f' c write(iout,*) f options(10)=options(10)+one if (h1* then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error5 endif options(9)=-seven goto 999 endif if (constr) then fp=f call func(n,x,fc) c write(iout,*) 'g' c write(iout,*) fc options(12)=options(12)+one if (dabs(fc).ge.infty) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error52 write(iout,*) error6 endif options(9)=-five goto 999 endif if (fc.le.cnteps) then FsbPnt=.true. fc=zero else FsbPnt=.false. fp_rate=fp-fp1 if ( then if (.not.FsbPnt1) then d=zero do i=1,n d=d+(x(i)-x1(i))**2 enddo d=dsqrt(d) PenCoefNew=-1.5d1*fp_rate/d if (*PenCoef) then PenCoef=PenCoefNew Reset=.true. kless=0 f=f+PenCoef*fc exit endif endif endif endif f=f+PenCoef*fc endif if (dabs(f).ge.infty) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) error32 endif if ( then options(9)=-three goto 999 else k2=k2+1 k1=0 hp=hp/dq do i=1,n x(i)=x1(i) enddo f=f1 knan=.true. if (constr) then FsbPnt=FsbPnt1 fp=fp1 endif endif c STEP SIZE IS ZERO TO THE EXTENT OF EPSNORM elseif (ii.eq.n) then stepvanish=stepvanish+1 if ( then options(9)=-ten-four if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) termwarn1 write(iout,*) endwarn4 endif goto 999 else do i=1,n x(i)=x1(i) enddo f=f1 hp=hp*ten ksm=.true. if (constr) then FsbPnt=FsbPnt1 fp=fp1 endif endif c USE SMALLER STEP elseif (h1**gamma**idint(dsign(one,f1))*f1) then if (ksm) exit k2=k2+1 k1=0 hp=hp/dq do i=1,n x(i)=x1(i) enddo f=f1 if (constr) then FsbPnt=FsbPnt1 fp=fp1 endif if ( exit c 1-D OPTIMIZER IS LEFT BEHIND else if (h1*f.le.h1*f1) exit c USE LARGER STEP k1=k1+1 if ( kc=kc+1 k2=0 if ( then hp=du20*hp elseif ( then hp=du10*hp elseif ( then hp=du03*hp endif endif enddo c ----} End of 1-D search c ADJUST THE TRIAL STEP SIZE ----{ dx=zero do i=1,n dx=dx+(xopt(i)-x(i))**2 enddo dx=dsqrt(dx) if ( kg=kg+1 if ( then do i=kg,2,-1 nsteps(i)=nsteps(i-1) enddo endif d=zero do i=1,n d=d+g0(i)*g0(i) enddo d=dsqrt(d) nsteps(1)=dx/(dabs(h)*d) kk=zero d=zero do i=1,kg dd=dble(kg-i+1) d=d+dd kk=kk+nsteps(i)*dd enddo kk=kk/d if ( then if (kg.eq.1) then h=h*(kk-des+one) else h=h*dsqrt(kk-des+one) endif elseif ( then h=h*dsqrt(kk/des) endif if (ksm) stepvanish=stepvanish+1 c ----} c COMPUTE THE GRADIENT ----{ if (app) then do j=1,n if (g0(j) then deltax(j)=h1*ddx else deltax(j)=-h1*ddx endif enddo obj=.true. if (constr) then call apprgrdn(n,g,x,fp,fun,deltax,obj) else call apprgrdn(n,g,x,f,fun,deltax,obj) endif options(10)=options(10)+n_float else call grad(n,x,g) c write(iout,*) 'df' c write(iout,*) g options(11)=options(11)+one endif ng=zero do i=1,n ng=ng+g(i)*g(i) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) if ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error42 endif options(9)=-four goto 999 elseif ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn1 endif ng=ZeroGrad endif c Constraints: if (constr) then if (.not.FsbPnt) then if (*PenCoef) then kless=kless+1 if ( then PenCoef=PenCoef/ten Reset=.true. kless=0 endif else kless=0 endif if (appconstr) then do j=1,n if (x(j) then deltax(j)=ddx else deltax(j)=-ddx endif enddo obj=.false. call apprgrdn(n,gc,x,fc,func,deltax,obj) options(12)=options(12)+n_float else call gradc(n,x,gc) c write(iout,*) 'dg' c write(iout,*) gc options(13)=options(13)+one endif ngc=zero do i=1,n ngc=ngc+gc(i)*gc(i) enddo ngc=dsqrt(ngc) if ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error62 endif options(9)=-six goto 999 elseif ( .and. .not.appconstr) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error63 endif options(9)=-six goto 999 endif do i=1,n g(i)=g(i)+PenCoef*gc(i) enddo ng=zero do i=1,n ng=ng+g(i)*g(i) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) if (Reset) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn21 endif h=h1*dx/three k=k-1 nng=ng exit endif endif endif if (h1**frec) then frec=f do i=1,n xrec(i)=x(i) grec(i)=g(i) enddo endif c ----} if ( then if ( knorms=knorms+1 if ( then do i=knorms,2,-1 gnorms(i)=gnorms(i-1) enddo endif gnorms(1)=ng nng=one do i=1,knorms nng=nng*gnorms(i) enddo nng=nng**(one/dble(knorms)) endif c Norm X: nx=zero do i=1,n nx=nx+x(i)*x(i) enddo nx=dsqrt(nx) c DISPLAY THE CURRENT VALUES ----{ if (k.eq.ld) then c write(iout,*) c 1 'Iteration # ..... Function Value ..... ', c 2 'Step Value ..... Gradient Norm' write(iout,'(5x,i5,7x,f13.5,6x,f13.5,7x,f13.5)') k,f,dx,ng do i=1,n,6 m1=min0(n,i+5) write(iout,'(3x,a,2x,6e13.5)') ' X =',(x(j),j=1,m1) enddo ld=k+dispdata endif c----} c CHECK THE STOPPING CRITERIA ----{ termflag=.true. if (constr) then if (.not.FsbPnt) termflag=.false. endif if( if( .or. knan)termflag=.false. c ARGUMENT if (termflag) then ii=0 stopping=.true. do i=1,n if (dabs(x(i)).ge.lowxbound) then ii=ii+1 idx(ii)=i if (dabs(xopt(i)-x(i)).gt.options(2)*dabs(x(i))) then stopping=.false. endif endif enddo if (ii.eq.0 .or. stopping) then stopping=.true. termx=termx+1 d=zero do i=1,n d=d+(x(i)-xrec(i))**2 enddo d=dsqrt(d) c FUNCTION if(dabs(f-frec).gt.detfr*dabs(f) .and. 1 dabs(f-fopt).le.options(3)*dabs(f) .and. 2 krerun.le.3 .and. .not. constr) then stopping=.false. if ( then do i=1,ii j=idx(i) if (dabs(xrec(j)-x(j)).gt.detxr*dabs(x(j))) then stopping=.true. exit endif enddo endif if (stopping) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn09 endif ng=zero do i=1,n x(i)=xrec(i) g(i)=grec(i) ng=ng+g(i)*g(i) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) f=frec krerun=krerun+1 h=h1*dmax1(dx,detxr*nx)/dble(krerun) warnno=2 endwarn=endwarn2 exit else h=h*ten endif elseif(dabs(f-frec).gt.options(3)*dabs(f) .and. 1*nx. and. constr) then continue elseif (dabs(f-fopt).le.options(3)*dabs(f) .or. 1 dabs(f).le.lowfbound .or. 2 (dabs(f-fopt).le.options(3).and. 3 )) then if (stopf) then if (dx.le.laststep) then if (warnno.eq.1 .and. then warnno=0 endif if ( then do i=1,n if (dabs(g(i)).le.epsnorm2) then warnno=3 endwarn=endwarn3 exit endif enddo endif if ( then options(9)=-dble(warnno)-ten if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) termwarn1 write(iout,*) endwarn if (app) write(iout,*) appwarn endif else options(9)=dble(k) if (dispwarn) write(iout,*) termwarn0 endif goto 999 endif else stopf=.true. endif elseif (*dmax1(nx,one) .and. 1 ) then options(9)=-four-ten if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) termwarn1 write(iout,*) endwarn4 if (app) write(iout,*) appwarn f=frec do i=1,n x(i)=xrec(i) enddo endif goto 999 endif endif endif c ITERATIONS LIMIT if(k.eq.iterlimit) then options(9)=-nine if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn4 endif goto 999 endif c ----} c ZERO GRADIENT ----{ if (constr) then if (ng.le.ZeroGrad) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) termwarn1 write(iout,*) warn1 endif options(9)=-eight goto 999 endif else if (ng.le.ZeroGrad) then nzero=nzero+1 if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn1 endif if ( then options(9)=-eight goto 999 endif do i=1,n g0(i)=-h*g0(i)/two enddo do i=1,10 do j=1,n x(j)=x(j)+g0(j) enddo call fun(n,x,f) c write(iout,*) 'f' c write(iout,*) f options(10)=options(10)+one if (dabs(f).ge.infty) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error32 endif options(9)=-three goto 999 endif if (app) then do j=1,n if (g0(j) then deltax(j)=h1*ddx else deltax(j)=-h1*ddx endif enddo obj=.true. call apprgrdn(n,g,x,f,fun,deltax,obj) options(10)=options(10)+n_float else call grad(n,x,g) c write(iout,*) 'df' c write(iout,*) g options(11)=options(11)+one endif ng=zero do j=1,n ng=ng+g(j)*g(j) enddo ng=dsqrt(ng) if ( then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) errmes write(iout,*) error42 endif options(9)=-four goto 999 endif if ( exit enddo if (ng.le.ZeroGrad) then if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) termwarn1 write(iout,*) warn1 endif options(9)=-eight goto 999 endif h=h1*dx exit endif endif c ----} c FUNCTION IS FLAT AT THE POINT ----{ if (.not.constr .and. 1 dabs(f-fopt).lt.dabs(fopt)*options(3) .and. 2 .and. ) then ni=0 do i=1,n if (dabs(g(i)).le.epsnorm2) then ni=ni+1 idx(ni)=i endif enddo if ( .and. ni.le.n/2 .and. kflat.le.3) then kflat=kflat+1 if (dispwarn) then write(iout,*) wrnmes write(iout,*) warn31 endif warnno=1 endwarn=endwarn1 do i=1,n x1(i)=x(i) enddo fm=f do i=1,ni j=idx(i) f2=fm y=x(j) if ( then x1(j)=one elseif (dabs(y) then x1(j)=dsign(one,y) else x1(j)=y endif do ip=1,20 x1(j)=x1(j)/1.15d0 call fun(n,x1,f1) c write(iout,*) 'f1' c write(iout,*) f1 options(10)=options(10)+one if (dabs(f1).lt.infty) then if (h1**fm) then y=x1(j) fm=f1 elseif (h1**f1) then exit elseif (f2.eq.f1) then x1(j)=x1(j)/1.5d0 endif f2=f1 endif enddo x1(j)=y enddo if (h1**f) then if (app) then do j=1,n deltax(j)=h1*ddx enddo obj=.true. call apprgrdn(n,gt,x1,fm,fun,deltax,obj) options(10)=options(10)+n_float else call grad(n,x1,gt) c write(iout,*) 'df' c write(iout,*) gt options(11)=options(11)+one endif ngt=zero do i=1,n ngt=ngt+gt(i)*gt(i) enddo if ( .and. then if (dispwarn) write(iout,*) warn32 do i=1,n x(i)=x1(i) g(i)=gt(i) enddo ng=ngt f=fm h=h1*dx/three options(3)=options(3)/five exit endif !! regular gradient endif !! a better value has been found endif !! function is flat endif !! pre-conditions are fulfilled c ----} enddo !! iterations enddo !! restart 999 continue end