c This is an include file to compile with solvopt.f(or) character*(*) errmes,wrnmes,error2,error32,error42,error43 character*(*) error52,error62,error63,error5,error6 character*(*) warn1,warn20,warn21,warn4,warn31,warn32 character*(*) warn09,warn08,termwarn0,termwarn1,appwarn character*(*) endwarn1, endwarn2, endwarn3, endwarn4 parameter (errmes='SolvOpt error:') parameter (wrnmes='SolvOpt warning:') parameter (error2='Improper space dimension.') parameter (error32='Function equals infinity at the point.') parameter ( * error42='Gradient equals infinity at the starting point.', * error43='Gradient equals zero at the starting point.') parameter ( * error52=' returns infinite value at the point.', * error62=' returns infinite vector at the point.', * error63=' returns zero vector at an infeasible point.') parameter ( * error5='Function is unbounded.', * error6='Choose another starting point.') parameter (warn1= * 'Gradient is zero, but stopping criteria are not fulfilled.', * warn20='Normal re-setting of a transformation matrix.', * warn21= * 'Re-setting due to the use of a new penalty coefficient.') parameter ( * warn4='Iterations limit exceeded.', * warn31='The function is flat in certain directions.', * warn32='Trying to recover by shifting insensitive variables.', * warn09='Re-run from recorded point.', * warn08='Ravine with a flat bottom is detected.') parameter ( * termwarn0='SolvOpt: Normal termination.', * termwarn1='SolvOpt: Termination warning:', * appwarn='The above warning may be reasoned'// * ' by inaccurate gradient approximation', * endwarn1='Premature stop is possible.'// * ' Try to re-run the routine from the obtained point.', * endwarn2='Result may not provide the optimum.'// * ' The function apparently has many extremum points.', * endwarn3='Result may be inaccurate in the coordinates.'// * ' The function is flat at the solution.', * endwarn4='Stopping criteria are not fulfilled.'// * ' The function is very steep at the solution.')