! -*- f90 -*- ! Note: the context of this file is case sensitive. python module nlpqlp__user__routines interface nlpqlp_user_interface subroutine nlfunc(l,nmax,mmax,x,lactiv,active,f,g) integer intent(in) :: l integer intent(in) :: nmax integer intent(in) :: mmax double precision dimension(nmax,l),intent(in),depend(nmax,l) :: x integer intent(in) :: lactiv logical dimension(lactiv),intent(in),depend(lactiv) :: active double precision dimension(l),intent(in,out),depend(l) :: f double precision dimension(mmax,l),intent(in,out),depend(mmax,l) :: g end subroutine nlfunc subroutine nlgrad(l,nmax,mmax,x,lactiv,active,f,g,df,dg) integer intent(in) :: l integer intent(in) :: nmax integer intent(in) :: mmax double precision dimension(nmax,l),intent(in),depend(nmax,l) :: x integer intent(in) :: lactiv logical dimension(lactiv),intent(in),depend(lactiv) :: active double precision dimension(l),intent(in),depend(l) :: f double precision dimension(mmax,l),intent(in),depend(mmax,l) :: g double precision dimension(nmax),intent(in,out),depend(nmax) :: df double precision dimension(mmax,nmax),intent(in,out),depend(mmax,nmax) :: dg end subroutine nlgrad end interface nlpqlp_user_interface end python module nlpqlp__user__routines python module nlpqlp ! in interface ! in :nlpqlp subroutine nlpqlp_wrap(l,m,me,mmax,n,nmax,mnn2,x,f,g,df,dg,u,xl,xu,c,d,acc,accqp,stpmin,maxfun,maxit,maxnm,rhob,mode,ifail,iprint,iout,ifile,wa,lwa,kwa,lkwa,active,lactiv,lql,nfun,ngrd,nlfunc,nlgrad) ! in :nlpqlp:source/nlpqlp_wrap.for use nlpqlp__user__routines integer intent(in) :: l integer intent(in) :: m integer intent(in) :: me integer intent(in) :: mmax integer intent(in) :: n integer intent(in) :: nmax integer intent(in) :: mnn2 double precision dimension(nmax,l),intent(in,out),depend(nmax,l) :: x double precision dimension(l),intent(in,out),depend(l) :: f double precision dimension(mmax,l),intent(in,out),depend(mmax,l) :: g double precision dimension(nmax),intent(in),depend(nmax) :: df double precision dimension(mmax,nmax),intent(in),depend(mmax,nmax) :: dg double precision dimension(mnn2),intent(in,out),depend(mnn2) :: u double precision dimension(nmax),intent(in),depend(nmax) :: xl double precision dimension(nmax),intent(in),depend(nmax) :: xu double precision dimension(nmax,nmax),intent(in),depend(nmax,nmax) :: c double precision dimension(nmax),intent(in),depend(nmax) :: d double precision intent(in) :: acc double precision intent(in) :: accqp double precision intent(in) :: stpmin integer intent(in) :: maxfun integer intent(in) :: maxit integer intent(in) :: maxnm double precision intent(in) :: rhob integer intent(in) :: mode integer intent(in) :: ifail integer intent(in) :: iprint integer intent(in) :: iout character*(*) intent(in) :: ifile double precision dimension(lwa),intent(in),depend(lwa) :: wa integer intent(in) :: lwa integer dimension(lkwa),intent(in),depend(lkwa) :: kwa integer intent(in) :: lkwa logical dimension(lactiv),intent(in),depend(lactiv) :: active integer intent(in) :: lactiv logical intent(in) :: lql integer intent(in,out) :: nfun integer intent(in,out) :: ngrd external nlfunc external nlgrad end subroutine nlpqlp_wrap subroutine openunit(unitnum,filename,filestatus,fileaction,ierror) ! in :nlpqlp:source/openunit.f integer intent(in) :: unitnum character*(*) intent(in) :: filename character*(*) intent(in) :: filestatus character*(*) intent(in) :: fileaction integer intent(out) :: ierror end subroutine openunit subroutine pyflush(unitnum) ! in :nlpqlp:source/openunit.f integer :: unitnum end subroutine pyflush subroutine closeunit(unitnum) ! in :nlpqlp:source/closeunit.f integer intent(in) :: unitnum end subroutine closeunit end interface end python module nlpqlp