CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC MIDACO FORTRAN HEADER CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_| _|_| _|_|_| _|_| C _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| C _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| C _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| C _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_| _| _| _|_|_| _|_| C C Version 4.0 (limited) C C MIDACO - Mixed Integer Distributed Ant Colony Optimization C ---------------------------------------------------------- C C MIDACO solves the general Mixed Integer Non-Linear Program (MINLP): C C C Minimize F(X) where X(1,...N-NI) is *CONTINUOUS* C and X(N-NI+1,...N) is *DISCRETE* C C Subject to: G_j(X) = 0 (j=1,...ME) Equality Constraints C G_j(X) >= 0 (j=ME+1,...M) Inequality Constraints C C And bounds: XL <= X <= XU C C C MIDACO is a (heuristic) global optimization solver that stochastically C approximates a solution 'X' to the above displayed MINLP problem. MIDACO C is based on an extended Ant Colony Optimization framework (see [1]) in C combination with the Oracle Penalty Method (see [2]) for constraints 'G(X)'. C C In case of mixed integer problems, the continuous variables are stored C first in 'X(1,...N-NI)', while the discrete (also called integer or C combinatorial) variables are stored last in 'X(N-NI+1,...N)'. C As an example consider: C C X = ( 0.1234, 5.6789, 1.0000, 2.0000, 3.0000) C C where 'N' = 5 and 'NI' = 3 C C Note that all 'X' is of type double precision. Equality and inequality C constraints are handled in a similar way. The vector 'G' stores at first C the 'ME' equality constraints and behind those, the remaining 'M-ME' C inequality constraints are stored. C C MIDACO is a derivative free black box solver and does not require the C relaxation of integer variables (this means, integer variables are C treated as categorical variables). MIDACO does not require any user C specified parameter tuning as it can run completely on 'Autopilot' C (all parameter set equal to zero). Optionally, the user can adjust C the MIDACO performance by setting some parameters explained below. C C C List of MIDACO subroutine arguments: C ------------------------------------ C C P : (Parallelization Factor) C If no parallelization is desired, set P = 1. C C N : Number of optimization variables in total (continuous and integer ones). C 'N' is the dimension of the iterate 'X' with X = (X_1,...,X_N). C C NI : Number of integer optimization variables. 'NI' <= 'N'. C Integer (discrete) variables must be stored at the end of 'X'. C C M : Number of constraints in total (equality and inequality ones). C 'P*M' is the dimension of a constraint vector 'G' with G = (G_1,...,G_M). C C ME : Number of equality constraints. 'ME' <= 'M'. C Equality constraints are stored in the beginning of 'G'. C Inequality constraints are stored in the end of 'G'. c C X(P*N) : Array containing the iterate 'X'. For P=1 (no parallelization) C 'X' stores only one iterate and has length 'N'. For P>1 C 'X' contains several iterates, which are stored one after C another. C C F(P) : Array containing the objective function value 'F' corresponding C to the iterates 'X'. For P=1 (no parallelization), 'F' is a single C value. For P>1 F stores several values, corresponding to 'X' one C after another. C C G(P*M) : Array containing the constraint values 'G'.For P=1 (no parallelization) C 'G' has length 'M'. For P>1 'G' has length 'P*M' and stores the vectors C of constraints, corresponding to 'X' one after another. C C XL(N) : Array containing the lower bounds for the iterates 'X'. C Note that for integer dimensions (i > N-NI) the bounds should also be C discrete, e.g. X(i) = 1.0000. C C XU(N) : Array containing the upper bounds for the iterates 'X'. C Note that for integer dimensions (i > N-NI) the bounds should also be C discrete, e.g. X(i) = 1.0000. C C IFLAG : Information flag used by MIDACO. Initially MIDACO must be called with IFLAG=0. C If MIDACO works correctly, IFLAG flags lower than 0 are used for internal C communication. If MIDACO stops (either by submitting ISTOP=1 or automatically C by the FSTOP or AUTOSTOP parameter), an IFLAG value between 1 and 9 is returned C as final message. If MIDACO detects at start-up some critical problem setup, a C ***WARNING*** message is returned by IFLAG as value between 10 and 99. If C MIDACO detects an ***MIDACO INPUT ERROR***, an IFLAG value between 100 and 999 C is returned and MIDACO stops. The individual IFLAG flags are as follows: C C Final Messages: C --------------- C IFLAG = 1 : Feasible solution, MIDACO was stopped by MAXEVAL or MAXTIME C IFLAG = 2 : Infeasible solution, MIDACO was stopped by MAXEVAL or MAXTIME C IFLAG = 3 : Feasible solution, MIDACO stopped automatically by AUTOSTOP C IFLAG = 4 : Infeasible solution, MIDACO stopped automatically by AUTOSTOP C IFLAG = 5 : Feasible solution, MIDACO stopped automatically by FSTOP C C WARNING - Flags: C ---------------- C IFLAG = 51 : Some X(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8 (try to avoid huge values!) C IFLAG = 52 : Some XL(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8 (try to avoid huge values!) C IFLAG = 53 : Some XU(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8 (try to avoid huge values!) C C IFLAG = 61 : Some X(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.0), but is continuous (e.g. 1.234) C IFLAG = 62 : Some XL(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.0), but is continuous (e.g. 1.234) C IFLAG = 63 : Some XU(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.0), but is continuous (e.g. 1.234) C C IFLAG = 71 : Some XL(i) = XU(i) (fixed variable) C C IFLAG = 81 : F(X) has value NaN for starting point X C IFLAG = 82 : Some G(X) has value NaN for starting point X C C IFLAG = 91 : FSTOP is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8 C IFLAG = 92 : ORACLE is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8 C C ERROR - Flags: C -------------- C IFLAG = 101 : P <= 0 or P > 1.0D+6 C IFLAG = 102 : N <= 0 or N > 1.0D+6 C IFLAG = 103 : NI < 0 C IFLAG = 104 : NI > N C IFLAG = 105 : M < 0 or M > 1.0D+6 C IFLAG = 106 : ME < 0 C IFLAG = 107 : ME > M C C IFLAG = 201 : some X(i) has type NaN C IFLAG = 202 : some XL(i) has type NaN C IFLAG = 203 : some XU(i) has type NaN C IFLAG = 204 : some X(i) < XL(i) C IFLAG = 205 : some X(i) > XU(i) C IFLAG = 206 : some XL(i) > XU(i) C C IFLAG = 301 : PARAM(1) < 0 or PARAM(1) > 1.0D+6 C IFLAG = 302 : PARAM(2) < 0 or PARAM(2) > 1.0D+12 C IFLAG = 303 : PARAM(3) greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 C IFLAG = 304 : PARAM(4) < 0 or PARAM(4) > 1.0D+6 C IFLAG = 305 : PARAM(5) greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 C IFLAG = 306 : |PARAM(6)| < 1 or PARAM(6) > 1.0D+12 C IFLAG = 307 : PARAM(7) < 0 or PARAM(7) > 1.0D+8 C IFLAG = 308 : PARAM(8) < 0 or PARAM(8) > 100 C IFLAG = 309 : PARAM(7) < PARAM(8) C IFLAG = 310 : PARAM(7) > 0 but PARAM(8) = 0 C IFLAG = 311 : PARAM(8) > 0 but PARAM(7) = 0 C IFLAG = 312 : PARAM(9) < 0 or PARAM(9) > 1000 C IFLAG = 313 : Some PARAM(i) has type NaN C C IFLAG = 401 : ISTOP < 0 or ISTOP > 1 C C IFLAG = 501 : Double precision work space size LRW is too small. C ---> RW must be at least of size LRW = 200*N+2*M+1000 C C IFLAG = 601 : Integer work space size LIW is too small. C ---> IW must be at least of size LIW = 2*N+P+1000 C C IFLAG = 701 : Input check failed! MIDACO must be called initially with IFLAG = 0 C C IFLAG = 801 : P > PMAX (user must increase PMAX in the MIDACO source code) C IFLAG = 802 : P*M+1 > PXM (user must increase PXM in the MIDACO source code) C C IFLAG = 900 : Invalid or corrupted LICENSE-KEY C C IFLAG = 999 : N > 4. The free test version is limited up to 4 variables. C C ISTOP : Communication flag to stop MIDACO. If MIDACO is called with C ISTOP = 1, MIDACO returns the best found solution in 'X' with C corresponding 'F' and 'G'. As long as MIDACO should continue C its search, ISTOP must be equal to 0. C C PARAM() : Array containing 9 parameters that can be selected by the user to adjust MIDACO. C (See the user manual for a more detailed description of individual parameters) C C PARAM(1) : [ACCURACY] Accuracy for constraint violation (measured as the L1-Norm over G(X)). C If PARAM(1) is set to 0, MIDACO uses a default accuracy of 0.001. If the user C desires a more precise accuracy, set PARAM(1) = 0.000001 for example. If the C user desires a less precise accuracy, set PARAM(1) = 0.05 for example. C C PARAM(2) : [RANDOM-SEED] Random seed used for MIDACO's internal pseudo random number C generator. Value must be a positive discrete value, e.g. PARAM(2) = 1,2,3,... C The default random seed for MIDACO is zero. C C PARAM(3) : [FSTOP] Stopping criteria for MIDACO. MIDACO will stop, if a feasible c solution 'X' with F(X) <= FSTOP is found. FSTOP is disabled, when FSTOP = 0. C In case the user wishes to use zero as FSTOP, a tiny value (e.g. 0.000001) C should be used instead. C C PARAM(4) : [AUTOSTOP] Automatic stopping criteria within MIDACO. AUTOSTOP defines the C number of successive internal MIDACO restarts, after which no progress was C made on the objective function. AUTOSTOP must be a (discrete) value >= 0. C Some (very rough) examples for AUTOSTOP values are: C AUTOSTOP = 1 (lowest chance of global optimality, but fastest runtime) C AUTOSTOP = 10 (medium chance of global optimality) C AUTOSTOP = 50 (high chance of global optimality) C AUTOSTOP = 500 (very high chance of global optimality, but very long runtime) C AUTOSTOP = 0 disables this stopping criteria. C C PARAM(5) : [ORACLE] This parameter affects only constrained problems. If PARAM(4)=0.0, C MIDACO will use its internal oracle strategy. If PARAM(4) is not equal to 0.0, C MIDACO will use PARAM(5) as initial oracle for its in-build oracle penalty C function. In case the user wishes to use zero as ORACLE, a tiny value C (e.g. 0.000001) should be used as ORACLE. Note: For most problems it is C better to overestimate an oracle, instead of underestimating it. C C PARAM(6) : [FOCUS] This parameter focuses the MIDACO search process around the C current best solution (which might be the starting point). C C PARAM(7) : [ANTS] Number of ants (stochastically sampled iterates) used by MIDACO C in every generation. ANTS must be greater or equal to KERNEL. C C PARAM(8) : [KERNEL] Solution archive size of MIDACO. KERNEL must be lower or equal to ANTS. C C PARAM(9) : [CHARACTER] This parameter allows the user to use highly customized MIDACO C internal parameter settings for specific problems. This parameter is currently C only available as a service. In case you are interested in this service, please C contact C C C RW(LRW) : Real workarray (Type: double precision) of length 'LRW' C LRW : Length of 'RW'. 'LRW' must be greater or equal to 200*N+2*M+1000 C C IW(LIW) : Integer workarray (Type: long integer) of length 'LIW' C LIW : Length of 'IW'. 'LIW' must be greater or equal to 2*N+P+1000 C C KEY : License-Key for MIDACO. Note that any licensed copy of MIDACO comes with an C individual 'KEY' determining the license owner and its affiliation. C C C References: C ----------- C C [1] Schlueter, M., Egea, J. A., Banga, J. R.: C "Extended ant colony optimization for non-convex mixed integer nonlinear programming", C Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier), Vol. 36 , Issue 7, Page 2217-2229, 2009. C C [2] Schlueter M., Gerdts M.: "The oracle penalty method", C Journal of Global Optimization (Springer), Vol. 47(2),pp 293-325, 2010. C C C Author (C) : Dr. Martin Schlueter C Information Initiative Center, C Division of Large Scale Computing Systems, C Hokkaido University, JAPAN. C C Email : C URL : C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE MIDACO( P, N, NI, M, ME, X, F, G, XL, XU, IFLAG, & ISTOP, PARAM, RW, LRW, IW, LIW, KEY) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC INTEGER P, N, NI, M, ME, IFLAG, LRW, IW, LIW, ISTOP DOUBLE PRECISION X, F, G, XL, XU, PARAM, RW CHARACTER*60 KEY CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DIMENSION X(P*N),F(P),G(P*M),XL(N),XU(N),RW(LRW),IW(LIW),PARAM(9) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C Increase the size of PMAX and PXM if necessary (IFLAG: 801 or 802) INTEGER PMAX, PXM PARAMETER (PMAX = 100) PARAMETER (PXM = 1000) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C Scrambled Source Code Starts Here C INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION A(PMAX),B(PMAX),GM(PXM) if(iflag.eq.-999) istop = 1 if(iflag.eq.0)then c Check P <= PMAX if( iflag = 801 return endif c Check P*M+1 <= PXM if(P* iflag = 802 return endif endif if( do I = 1,P*M GM(I) = g(I) enddo endif GM(P*M+1) = 0.0D0 call jfk(P,n,ni,m,me,x,f,GM,xl,xu,iflag,istop, & param,rw,lrw,iw,liw,PMAX,A,B,KEY) end subroutine i015(f,m,i8,g,i5,i2,i19,i49, & i4,i32,i6,i99,i42,i93,i36) implicit none integer f,m,i8,i19,i49,i32,i6,i99,i42,i93,i,j,i10,i43, & i21,i39,i62,i44,i38,i20,i95,i36(*), & i71 double precision g,i5,i2,i4,i02,i35 dimension g(m),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32),i6(i99) data i10,i43,i21,i39,i62,i38,i20 & /0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data i35 /0.0d0/ if(i42.eq.-30)then i10 = 0 i43 = 31 + f + 1 do i = 1,m j = int(i*i02(i4(1))) + 1 i6(i43+i-1) = i6(i43+j-1) i6(i43+j-1) = i if( do j = 1,i i4(j) = dble(i42)-i02(i4(1)) enddo endif enddo i6(31) = 1 i38 = i43 + m do i = 1,m i6(i38+i-1) = 0 enddo if(i4(1).ge.0.9d0)then i44 = 92+m+f+m i6(i44) = 0 do i=1,30 i6(i44) = i6(i44) + i6(f+40+m+i+m) enddo if(1372-i6(i44).ne.0)then do i=1,i99 i4(i) = dble(i6(i)) enddo i42 = int(i4(1))*1000 goto 22 endif endif endif i95 = 0 if(i6(31).eq.0)then i20 = i6(i43+i10-1) i6(30) = i20 i39 = i39 + 1 i21 = - i21 i35 = i35 / dble(2**i36(14)) if(*i36(15)))then i35 = 1.0d0/dble(10*i36(15)) endif if( i6(i38+i20-1) = 1 if( goto 2 i95 = 1 endif i71 = i36(16) if( i6(i38+i20-1) = 1 if( goto 2 i95 = 1 endif if(dabs(i5(i20)-i2(i20)).le.1.0d-12)then i6(i38+i20-1) = 1 if( goto 2 i95 = 1 endif endif if(i6(31).eq.1.or.i95.eq.1)then i10 = i10 + 1 if( goto 2 i20 = i6(i43+i10-1) i6(30) = i20 i39 = 1 if( if(i4(i19+i20-1).eq.i5(i20).or. & i4(i19+i20-1).eq.i2(i20))then i62 = 1 else i62 = 2 endif endif if(i02(i4(1)).ge.0.5d0)then i21 = 1 else i21 = -1 endif i35 = dsqrt(i4(i49+i20-1)) endif do i = 1,m g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) enddo if(i20.le.m-i8)then g(i20) = g(i20) + i21 * i35 else g(i20) = g(i20) + i21 if(g(i20).lt.i5(i20))then g(i20) = i5(i20) + 1 endif if(g(i20).gt.i2(i20))then g(i20) = i2(i20) - 1 endif endif if(g(i20).lt.i5(i20)) g(i20) = i5(i20) if(g(i20).gt.i2(i20)) g(i20) = i2(i20) if( g(i20) = dnint(g(i20)) if(i10.eq.1.and.i39.eq.1)then i42 = -30 else i42 = -31 endif return 2 i42 = -40 do i = 1,m if(i6(i38+i-1).eq.0) goto 22 enddo i93 = 1 i42 = -99 22 return end subroutine i022(l,x,n) implicit none integer n,i double precision l,x dimension x(n) if( l = 1.0d16 endif do i=1,n if(x(i).ne.x(i))then x(i) = - 1.0d16 endif enddo end subroutine i07(m,i8,g,i5,i2,i4,i32,i6,i99,i18,i19,i36) implicit none integer m,i8,i32,i19,i,i6,i99,i18,i36(*) double precision g,i5,i2,i4,i02,i34,i35,i04 dimension g(m),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32),i6(i99) do i = 1,m-i8 i34 = i02(i4(1)) if(i34.le.0.25d0)then g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) else i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) / dble(i6(i18)**2) g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) + i35 * & i04(i02(i4(1)),i02(i4(1))) endif enddo do i = m-i8+1,m if(i02(i4(1)).le.0.75d0)then g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) else if(i02(i4(1)).le.0.5d0)then g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) + 1.0d0 else g(i) = i4(i19+i-1) - 1.0d0 endif endif if(g(i).lt.i5(i)) g(i) = i5(i) if(g(i).gt.i2(i)) g(i) = i2(i) enddo i34 = i02(i4(1)) do i = 1,m-i8 if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i5(i) + (i5(i)-g(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).gt.i2(i)) g(i) = i2(i) else g(i) = i5(i) endif goto 2 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i2(i) - (g(i)-i2(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).lt.i5(i)) g(i) = i5(i) else g(i) = i2(i) endif endif 2 continue enddo end subroutine i05(l,i48,i17,i16,i42) implicit none double precision l,i48(*),i17,i16 integer i42 if(i48(3).eq.0.0d0) return if(l.le.i48(3))then if(i17.le.i16)then i42 = 5 endif endif end function i04(a,b) implicit none double precision i04, a, b, g(30), i(30) data g / & 0.260390399999d0, 0.371464399999d0, 0.459043699999d0, &0.534978299999d0, 0.603856999999d0, 0.668047299999d0, & 0.728976299999d0, 0.787597599999d0, 0.844600499999d0, & 0.900516699999d0, 0.955780799999d0, 1.010767799999d0, & 1.065818099999d0, 1.121257099999d0, 1.177410099999d0, & 1.234617499999d0, 1.293250299999d0, 1.353728799999d0, & 1.416546699999d0, 1.482303899999d0, 1.551755799999d0, & 1.625888099999d0, 1.706040699999d0, 1.794122699999d0, & 1.893018599999d0, 2.007437799999d0, 2.145966099999d0, & 2.327251799999d0, 2.608140199999d0, 2.908140199999d0/ data i / & 0.207911799999d0, 0.406736699999d0, 0.587785399999d0, & 0.743144899999d0, 0.866025499999d0, 0.951056599999d0, & 0.994521999999d0, 0.994521999999d0, 0.951056599999d0, & 0.866025499999d0, 0.743144899999d0, 0.587785399999d0, & 0.406736699999d0, 0.207911799999d0, -0.016538999999d0, & -0.207911799999d0, -0.406736699999d0, -0.587785399999d0, & -0.743144899999d0, -0.866025499999d0, -0.951056599999d0, & -0.994521999999d0, -0.994521999999d0, -0.951056599999d0, & -0.866025499999d0, -0.743144899999d0, -0.587785399999d0, &-0.406736699999d0, -0.207911799999d0, -0.107911799999d0/ i04 = g(max(nint(a*30.0d0),1)) * i(max(nint(b*30.0d0),1)) end subroutine i09(m,i4,i32,i27,i66,i45,i16, / i19,i14,i40,i11,i6,i99,i12,o,i28,i24,i22, / i68,i48,i36) implicit none integer m,i6,i32,i99,i12,o,i28,i24,i22,i19,i14,i40, & i11,i27,i66,i45,i,j,i36(*) double precision i4,i16,i68,i48(*),i02 dimension i4(i32),i6(i99) integer i96,i74,i73,i72 data i96 /0/ if(i6(i12).le.1)then i6(10) = 0 i96 = 0 else i96 = i96 + 1 i6(10) = i36(4)**i96 endif if(i48(6).lt.0.0d0.and.i6(10).ne.0)then i6(10) = nint(dabs(i48(6))) endif i74 = i36(5) i73 = 5*i36(1) i72 = 2 i6(i28) = i72 * nint( i02(i4(1)) * dble(m) ) if(i48(7).ge.2.0d0) i6(i28) = nint(i48(7)) if(i6(i28).lt.i74) i6(i28) = i74 if(i6(i28).gt.i73) i6(i28) = i73 i6(o) = nint( i02(i4(1)) * dble(i6(i28)) ) if(i48(8).ge.2.0d0) i6(o) = nint(i48(8)) if(i6(o).lt.2) i6(o) = 2 i6(i24) = i6(i28) & + i36(6) * nint(i02(i4(1)) * dble(i6(i28))) i6(i22) = nint( 1.5d0 * dble(i6(o)) ) if(**i12) i6(o) = i12-i27 i4(i45) = i68 if(i4(i66).le.i16.and.i4(i27).lt.i68) i4(i45) = i4(i27) do j=1,i6(o) do i=1,m i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1) = 1.06660d90 enddo i4(i40+j-1) = 1.07770d90 i4(i14+j-1) = 1.08880d90 i4(i11+j-1) = 1.09990d90 enddo end subroutine i01(f,m,i8,n,i0,g,l,x,i5,i2, & i42,i41,i48,i4,i32,i6,i99, & i30,i52,i50,i100, & i990) implicit none integer f,m,i8,n,i0,i42,i32,i6,i99,i41 double precision g,l,x,i5,i2,i48(*),i4 dimension g( f*m ),l( f ),x( f*n+1 ),i5(m),i2(m) dimension i4(i32),i6(i99) character*60 i990 integer i30,i52,i50,i100 integer i if( i42 = 999 goto 701 endif i30 = 100 if(**6)then i42 = 101 goto 701 endif if(**6)then i42 = 102 goto 701 endif if( i42 = 103 goto 701 endif if( i42 = 104 goto 701 endif if(**6)then i42 = 105 goto 701 endif if( i42 = 106 goto 701 endif if( i42 = 107 goto 701 endif do i=1,m if(g(i).ne.g(i))then i42 = 201 goto 701 endif if(i5(i).ne.i5(i))then i42 = 202 goto 701 endif if(i2(i).ne.i2(i))then i42 = 203 goto 701 endif if(g(i).lt.i5(i)-1.0d-4)then i42 = 204 goto 701 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i)+1.0d-4)then i42 = 205 goto 701 endif if(i5(i).gt.i2(i)+1.0d-4)then i42 = 206 goto 701 endif enddo if(i48(1).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(1).gt.1.0d6)then i42 = 301 goto 701 endif if(i48(2).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(2).gt.1.0d12)then i42 = 302 goto 701 endif if(dabs(i48(3)).gt.1.0d12)then i42 = 303 goto 701 endif if(i48(4).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(4).gt.1.0d6)then i42 = 304 goto 701 endif if(dabs(i48(5)).gt.1.0d12)then i42 = 305 goto 701 endif if(i48(6).ne.0.0d0.and.dabs(i48(6)).lt.1.0d0 & .or.dabs(i48(6)).gt.1.0d12)then i42 = 306 goto 701 endif if(i48(7).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(7).gt.1.0d8)then i42 = 307 goto 701 endif if(i48(8).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(8).gt.i30)then i42 = 308 goto 701 endif if(i48(7).gt.0.0d0.and.i48(7).lt.i48(8))then i42 = 309 goto 701 endif if(i48(7).gt.0.0d0.and.i48(8).eq.0.0d0)then i42 = 310 goto 701 endif if(i48(7).eq.0.0d0.and.i48(8).gt.0.0d0)then i42 = 311 goto 701 endif if(i48(9).lt.0.0d0.or.i48(9).gt.1.0d3)then i42 = 312 goto 701 endif do i=1,9 if(i48(i).ne.i48(i))then i42 = 313 goto 701 endif enddo if( i42 = 401 goto 701 endif i52 = 2*m+n+(m+5)*i30+8 i50 = 31+f+m+m if(*m+n)then i42 = 501 goto 701 endif if( + 61)then i42 = 601 goto 701 endif do i=1,i52+5+m+n i4(i) = 0.0d0 enddo do i=1,i50 i6(i) = 0 enddo call i023(i6(i50+1),i990) i6(i50+61) = 0 do i=1,60 i6(i50+61) =i6(i50+61) + i6(i50+i) enddo if(i6(i50+61).ne.2736)then i42 = 900 goto 701 endif i100 = 0 do i=1,m if(g(i).gt.1.0d+8.or.g(i).lt.-1.0d+8)then i42 = 51 goto 702 endif if(i5(i).gt.1.0d+8.or.i5(i).lt.-1.0d+8)then i42 = 52 goto 702 endif if(i2(i).gt.1.0d+8.or.i2(i).lt.-1.0d+8)then i42 = 53 goto 702 endif if(i5(i).eq.i2(i))then i42 = 71 goto 702 endif enddo do i = m-i8+1,m if(dabs(g(i)-dnint(g(i))).gt.1.0d-4)then i42 = 61 goto 702 endif if(dabs(i5(i)-dnint(i5(i))).gt.1.0d-4)then i42 = 62 goto 702 endif if(dabs(i2(i)-dnint(i2(i))).gt.1.0d-4)then i42 = 63 goto 702 endif enddo if(l(1).ne.l(1))then i42 = 81 goto 702 endif do i = 1,n if(x(i).ne.x(i))then i42 = 82 goto 702 endif enddo if(dabs(i48(3)).gt.1.0d+8)then i42 = 91 goto 702 endif if(dabs(i48(5)).gt.1.0d+8)then i42 = 92 goto 702 endif return 701 continue i41 = 1 return 702 continue i100 = 1 return end subroutine i023(i67s,i15) implicit none character*60 i15 integer i67s(*),i do i = 1,60 call alphabet(i15(i:i),i67s(i)) enddo end subroutine jfk(f,m,i8,n,i0,g,l,x,i5,i2, & i42,i41,i48,i4,i32,i6,i99, & i26,p,i17,i990) implicit none integer f,m,i8,n,i0,i42,i32,i6,i99,i41 double precision g,l,x,i5,i2,i48(*),i4 dimension g(f*m),l(f),x(f*n+1),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32),i6(i99) character*60 i990 integer i26 double precision p(i26),i17(i26) logical i54 integer i30,i97,i55,i53,j,i90, & i50,i77,i64,i59,i56,i58,i75, & i101,i92,i94,i,c,i46,i68, & i52,i63,i37,i100,i980,i36(20) double precision i02,i35,i60,i70,i79,i16 double precision i04 data i30,i97,i63,i37,i55,i53,i68, & i52,i50,i77,i64,i59,i56,i58,i75, & i101,i92,i94,i100, & i980,i36 & /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data i60,i70,i16 /0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0/ if( i63 = 0 i37 = 0 if(i48(1).le.0.0d0)then i16 = 1.0d-3 else i16 = i48(1) endif if( i42 = -3 i100 = 0 goto 79 endif call i024(i36,m,i8) i97 = 0 call i01(f,m,i8,n,i0,g,l,x,i5,i2, & i42,i41,i48,i4,i32,i6,i99, & i30,i52,i50, & i100, & i990) if( goto 86 if(i100.eq.1)then i980 = i42 i42 = 0 endif i97 = 1 i46 = int(i48(2)) i92 = int(i48(4)) i60 = 1.0d16 i70 = 1.0d16 i59 = 1 i56 = i59 + m i58 = i56 + 1 i75 = i58 + n i68 = i75 + 1 do i=1,m i4(i52+i59+i-1) = g(i) enddo do i=1,n i4(i52+i58+i-1) = x(i) enddo i4(i52+i56) = l(1) call i014(i4(i52+i75),x,n,i0,i16) i77 = 0 i101 = 0 i53 = i46 if(*3)then i59 = 2 i56 = i59 + m i58 = i56 + 1 i75 = i58 + n i68 = i75 + 1 do i=1,m i4(i52+i59+i-1) = g(i) enddo do i=1,n i4(i52+i58+i-1) = x(i) enddo i48(6) = -1.0d16 i60 = 1.0d16 i70 = 1.0d16 endif i55 = 0 if(i4(i52+i75).gt.i16)then if(i48(5).eq.0.0d0)then i4(i52+i68) = 1.0d9 + i4(i52+i56) else i4(i52+i68) = i48(5) endif else i4(i52+i68) = i4(i52+i56) endif else if( i42 = 701 i41 = 1 return endif do c = 1,f call i022(l(c),x((c-1)*n+1),n) enddo endif 79 continue if(i42.eq.-300)then i55 = 0 i53 = i53 + 1 endif if(i41.eq.0)then i54 = .false. else i54 = .true. endif call i08(f,m,i8,n,i0,g,l,x,i5,i2,i16, & i63,i37,i55,i54,i53, & i4,i32,i6,i99,i30,i4(i52+i68), & i48,p,i17,i26,i36) i42 = i55 if(i42.eq.5) goto 1 if(i42.eq.801)return if(i54)then if(i4(i52+i75).gt.i16. and .i4(2+m+1+n).lt. & i4(i52+i75)) goto 1 if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16. and .i4(2+m+1+n).le.i16 & .and.i4(2+m).lt.i4(i52+i56)) goto 1 goto 3 endif if(i55.eq.-3) i77 = i77 + 1 if(*5)then i4(i52+i56) = i4(2+m) i4(i52+i75) = i4(2+m+1+n) do i=1,m i4(i52+i59+i-1) = i4(2+i-1) enddo do i=1,n i4(i52+i58+i-1) = i4(2+m+1+i-1) enddo if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16)then i4(i52+i68) = i4(i52+i56) endif l(1) = i4(i52+i56) do i = 1,m g(i) = i4(i52+i59+i-1) enddo do i = 1,n x(i) = i4(i52+i58+i-1) enddo goto 79 endif i64 = i36(7) if( i101 = i101 + 1 if(i4(i52+i75).gt.i16. and .i4(2+m+1+n).lt. & i4(i52+i75)) goto 11 if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16. and .i4(2+m+1+n).le.i16.and. & i4(2+m).lt.i4(i52+i56))goto 11 goto 12 11 i4(i52+i56) = i4(2+m) i4(i52+i75) = i4(2+m+1+n) do i=1,m i4(i52+i59+i-1) = i4(2+i-1) enddo do i=1,n i4(i52+i58+i-1) = i4(2+m+1+i-1) enddo if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16)then i4(i52+i68) = i4(i52+i56) endif goto 13 12 continue 13 do i = 2,i52 i4(i) = 0.0d0 enddo do i = 1,i50 i6(i) = 0 enddo if(i02(i4(1)).ge.0.1d0*dble(i36(9)).or.i48(6).lt.0.0d0)then do i=1,m if(m.le.m-i8) i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) & / (i02(i4(1))*dble(10**i36(17))) i79 = ((i2(i)-i5(i))-(i2(i)-i5(i)) & / dsqrt(dble(i8)+0.1d0)) & / dble(i36(10)) if( i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) / 100 if( i35 = i79 endif if(i48(6).ne.0.0d0)then if(i.le.m-i8)then i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) / dabs(i48(6)) else i35 = 1.0d0 / dsqrt(dabs(i48(6))) endif endif g(i) = i4(i52+i59+i-1) + i35 * & i04(i02(i4(1)),i02(i4(1))) if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then g(i)=i5(i)+(i5(i)-g(i)) / 2.0d0 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then g(i)=i2(i)-(g(i)-i2(i)) / 2.0d0 endif if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then g(i)=i5(i) endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then g(i)=i2(i) endif if( g(i)=dnint(g(i)) endif if(*(i59*2))then do j=1,i32 i4(j) = i02(i4(1)) enddo do j=1,i99 i6(j) = nint(i02(i4(1))) enddo endif enddo else do i=1,m g(i) = i5(i) + i02(i4(1)) * (i2(i)-i5(i)) if ( g(i) = dnint(g(i)) enddo endif i42 = -300 i77 = 0 if( if(i60.eq.1.0d16)then i94 = 0 i60 = i4(i52+i56) i70 = i4(i52+i75) else if(i4(i52+i75).le.i70)then if(i70.le.i16)then if(i4(i52+i56).lt. & i60-dabs(i60/1.0d6))then i60 = i4(i52+i56) i70 = i4(i52+i75) i94 = 0 else i94 = i94 + 1 goto 76 endif else i94 = 0 i60 = i4(i52+i56) i70 = i4(i52+i75) endif else i94 = i94 + 1 goto 76 endif endif 76 continue if( if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16)then i42 = 3 else i42 = 4 endif goto 3 endif endif endif if(i100.eq.1)then i42 = i980 endif 4 return 1 i4(i52+i56) = i4(2+m) i4(i52+i75) = i4(2+m+1+n) do i=1,m i4(i52+i59+i-1) = i4(2+i-1) enddo do i=1,n i4(i52+i58+i-1) = i4(2+m+1+i-1) enddo if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16)then i4(i52+i68) = i4(i52+i56) endif 3 l(1) = i4(i52+i56) do i = 1,m g(i) = i4(i52+i59+i-1) enddo do i = 1,n x(i) = i4(i52+i58+i-1) enddo if( if(i4(i52+i75).le.i16)then i42 = 1 else i42 = 2 endif endif i41 = 1 86 continue if(i42.eq.501.or.i42.eq.601) goto 4 i90 = i52+5+m+n do i = 1,m if( g(i).gt.i2(i)+1.0d-6 )then i4(i90+i) = 91.0d0 goto 87 endif if( g(i).lt.i5(i)-1.0d-6 )then i4(i90+i) = 92.0d0 goto 87 endif if( i5(i).gt.i2(i) )then i4(i90+i) = 93.0d0 goto 87 endif if( i5(i).eq.i2(i) )then i4(i90+i) = 90.0d0 goto 87 endif if( dabs(g(i)-i5(i)) .le. (i2(i)-i5(i))/1000.0d0 )then i4(i90+i) = 0.0d0 goto 87 endif if( dabs(g(i)-i2(i)) .le. (i2(i)-i5(i))/1000.0d0 )then i4(i90+i) = 22.0d0 goto 87 endif do j = 1,21 if( g(i) .le. i5(i) + j * (i2(i)-i5(i))/21.0d0)then i4(i90+i) = dble(j) goto 87 endif enddo 87 continue enddo goto 4 end subroutine i03(m,i8,i4,i32,i49,i19, & i6,i99,o,i18,i1,i36) implicit none integer m,i8,i6,i18,o,i32,i99,i49,i19,i1,i,j,i36(*) double precision i4,i33,i320,i76,i80,i79 dimension i4(i32),i6(i99) i76 = dsqrt(dble(i6(i18))) i80 = (0.1d0*dble(i36(18))) / i76 i79 = (1.0d0-1.0d0/dsqrt(dble(i8)+0.1d0)) / dble(i36(10)) do i=1,m i33 = i4(i19+i-1) i320 = i4(i19+i-1) do j=2,i6(o) if(i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1).gt.i33)then i33 = i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1) endif if(i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1).lt.i320)then i320 = i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1) endif enddo i4(i49+i-1) = (i33-i320)/i76 if( i4(i19-(j-1)*m+i-1) = dble(i320)/dble(i33) i33 = i4(i19+i-1) i320 = i4(i19+i-1) do j=2,i6(o) if(i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1).gt.i33)then i33 = i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1) endif if(i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1).lt.i320)then i320 = i4(i19+(j-1)*m+i-1) endif enddo endif if(i4(i49+i-1).lt. & dabs(i4(i19+i-1))/(dble(10**i36(19))*dble(i6(i18))) )then i4(i49+i-1) = dabs(i4(i19+i-1)) & / (dble(10**i36(19))*dble(i6(i18))) endif if( if(i4(i49+i-1).lt.i80)then i4(i49+i-1) = i80 endif if(i4(i49+i-1).lt.i79)then i4(i49+i-1) = i79 endif endif enddo end function i02(s) implicit none double precision i02,s,a,b,c,d data a,b,c,d /0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0/ if(s.eq.1.2d3)then a = 0.241305836148d+00 b = 0.502199827430d+00 c = 0.150532162816d+00 d = 0.278319003121d+00 endif if( s = a + b + c else s = a + b + c + d endif if( if( s = s - 2.0d0 else s = s - 1.0d0 endif endif a = b b = c c = s s = a i02 = s end subroutine i011(m,i8,o,g,i5,i2,i4,i32,i19,i49,i9,i36) implicit none integer m,i8,t,o,i32,i19,i49,i9,i,j,i36(*) double precision i4,g,i5,i2,i02,i34,i04 dimension i4(i32),g(m),i5(m),i2(m) do i=1,m i34 = i02(i4(1)) do j=1,o if(i34.le.i4(i9+j-1)) goto 1 enddo 1 t = i-1 g(i) = i4(i19+(j-2)*m+t) + i4(i49+t) * & i04(i34,i02(i4(1))) if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i5(i) + (i5(i)-g(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).gt.i2(i)) g(i) = i2(i) else g(i) = i5(i) endif goto 2 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i2(i) - (g(i)-i2(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).lt.i5(i)) g(i) = i5(i) else g(i) = i2(i) endif endif 2 continue enddo do i=m-i8+1,m g(i) = dnint(g(i)) enddo end subroutine i012(i6,i99,i18,i29,i28,i24,i22,i27,i31) implicit none integer i6,i99,i18,i29,i28,i24,i22 integer i27,i31 dimension i6(i99) if(i6(i18).eq.1.and.i6(i22).eq.1)then i6(i29) = i6(i24) else i6(i29) = i6(i28) endif if( i6(1) = 0 if(i6(i18).le.i6(i22).and.i6(i22).gt.1)then i6(i29) = i6(i28) + (i6(i24)-i6(i28)) * & int( dble((i6(i18)-1)) / dble((i6(i22)-1)) ) endif if(i6(i18).gt.i6(i22).and.i6(i18).lt.2*i6(i22))then i6(i29) = 2 * ( i6(i24) + (i6(i28)-i6(i24)) * & int( dble(i6(i18)) / dble(2*i6(i22)) ) ) endif end subroutine i013(m,i8,g,i5,i2,i4,i32) implicit none integer m,i8,i32,i double precision g,i5,i2,i4,i02 dimension g(m),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32) do i=1,m g(i) = i5(i) + i02(i4(1)) * (i2(i)-i5(i)) if ( g(i) = dnint(g(i)) enddo end subroutine i020(m,o,i4,i32,i19,i14,i40,i11,g,l,i17,p) implicit none integer m,o,i32,i19,i14,i40,i11,pface,i,j double precision g,l,i17,p,i4 dimension g(m),i4(i32) if( pface = 0 do i=1,o if(p.le.i4(i11+o-i))then pface=o-i+1 else goto 567 endif enddo 567 do j=1,o-pface do i=1,m i4(i19+(o-j)*m+i-1) = i4(i19+(o-j-1)*m+i-1) enddo i4(i14+o-j) = i4(i14+o-j-1) i4(i40+o-j) = i4(i40+o-j-1) i4(i11+o-j) = i4(i11+o-j-1) enddo do i=1,m i4(i19+(pface-1)*m+i-1) = g(i) enddo i4(i14+pface-1) = l i4(i40+pface-1) = i17 i4(i11+pface-1) = p end subroutine i08(f,m,i8,n,i0,g,l,x,i5,i2,i16, & i69,i25,i42,i41,i46,i4,i32,i6,i99, & i30,i68,i48,p,i17,i26,i36) implicit none logical i41 integer i31,i27,i23,i66,i45,i19,i14,i40,i11,i,j,c,i30, & i93,i9,w,i49,i1,i7,i170,o,i12,i18,i29,i13,i28,i24,i22, & f,m,i8,n,i0,i69,i25,i42,i46,i32,i6,i99,i26 double precision g,l,x,i5,i2,i16,i4,i68,i48(*),i02 dimension g( f*m ),l( f ),x( f*n+1 ),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32),i6(i99) double precision p(i26),i17(i26) integer i65, i78, i36(*) data i93,i31,i27,i23,i66,i45,i19,i14,i40,i11,i22, & i9,w,i49,i1,i7,i170,o,i12,i18,i29,i13,i28,i24,i78 & /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ if( call i017(m,n,i31,i27,i23,i66,i45,i30, & i19,i14,i40,i11,w,i49,i9,i1,i7,i170) call i016(i12,i29,o,i18,i13,i28,i24,i22) i4(1) = 1.2d3 do i=1,i46 i4(1) = i02(i4(1)) enddo call i014(i17( 1 ),x( 1 ),n,i0,i16) i4(i27) = l( 1 ) i4(i66) = i17( 1 ) do i=1,m i4(i31+i-1) = g( i ) enddo do i=1,n i4(i23+i-1) = x( i ) enddo call i05(l( 1 ),i48,i17( 1) ,i16,i42) if(i42.eq.5) return if(i6(f+2*m+32).ne.74-i6(m+m+f+33))then goto 999 endif goto 101 endif do c = 1,f call i014(i17( c ),x( (c-1)*n+1 ),n,i0,i16) if( call i010(p( c ),l( c ),i17( c ),i4(i45),i16) if(n.eq.0) p( c ) = l( c ) if( call i020(m,i6(o),i4,i32,i19,i14,i40,i11, & g( (c-1)*m+1 ),l( c ),i17( c ),p( c )) endif if( call i019(f,c,m,i4,i32,i6,i99,i19,i14,i40,i11, & g( (c-1)*m+1 ),l( c ),i17( c ),p( c ),i36) endif if(i17( c ).lt.i4(i66)) goto 123 if(i17( c ).eq.i4(i66).and.l( c ).lt.i4(i27)) goto 123 goto 100 123 i4(i27) = l( c ) i4(i66) = i17( c ) do i=1,m i4(i31+i-1) = g( (c-1)*m+i ) enddo do i=1,n i4(i23+i-1) = x( (c-1)*n+i ) enddo call i05(l( c ),i48,i17( c ),i16,i42) if(i42.eq.5) return 100 continue enddo 101 if(i41)goto 999 if(i42.le.-90)then if(i4(i170).gt.i16.and.i4(i40).lt.i4(i170))goto 81 if(i4(i170).le.i16.and.i4(i40).le.i16. & and.i4(i14).lt.i4(i7))goto 81 goto 82 81 i6(11) = 1 goto 83 82 i6(11) = 0 83 continue endif if(i42.eq.-10)then if(i4(i11).lt.i4(i1)-dabs(i4(i1))/dble(2*i36(11))) goto 84 i6(13) = 0 goto 85 84 i6(13) = 1 i4(i1) = i4(i11) 85 continue endif i65 = min(10+m*i36(8),5*i36(20)) if(i6(i18).ge.i65)then i42 = -95 endif i69 = 0 i25 = 0 if(i6(i18).eq.1.and.i42.eq.-10)then i78 = 0 endif if(i42.eq.-10) i78 = i78 + 1 if( goto 101 if(i41) goto 3 if(i42.eq. -1) goto 13 if(i42.eq. -2)then i42 = -1 goto 13 endif if(i42.eq. -3)then if(i6(i13).ge.i6(i29))then i42 = -30 goto 14 endif i42 = -1 goto 13 endif if(i42.eq.-30)then i42 = -31 goto 14 endif if(i42.le.-31.and. & i42 = i42 goto 14 endif if(i42.eq.-40)then i42 = -2 goto 12 endif if(i42.eq.-10)then i42 = -30 goto 14 endif if(i42.le.-90)then i42 = -3 goto 11 endif if(i42.eq. 0)then i42 = -3 goto 11 endif 11 i6(i12) = i6(i12)+1 i6(i18) = 0 call i09(m,i4,i32,i27,i66,i45,i16, & i19,i14,i40,i11,i6,i99,i12,o,i28,i24,i22, & i68,i48,i36) call i021(i6(o),i4,i32,w) if(i23-3* i4(i9)=0.0d0 do j=1,i6(o) i4(i9+j) = i4(i9+j-1) + i4(w+j-1) enddo i4(i7) = i4(i27) i4(i170) = i4(i66) if(i6(i12).eq.1)then if( call i010(p( 1 ),l( 1 ),i17( 1 ),i4(i45),i16) if(n.eq.0) p( 1 ) = l( 1 ) call i020(m,i6(o),i4,i32,i19,i14,i40,i11, & g( 1 ),l( 1 ),i17( 1 ),p( 1 )) endif i6(o) = i42 do c = 1,f i6(i13) = i6(i13) + 1 if(i6(i18).eq.1)then if(i6(10).le.1)then if(i48(6).ne.0.0d0)then call i018(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2, & i4,i32,i31,dabs(i48(6)),i36) else call i013(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,i4,i32) endif else call i06(m,i8,i4,i32,i6,i99,i31, & g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,dabs(i48(6)),i36) endif endif if(i6(i18).gt.1)call i011(m,i8,i6(o),g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2, & i4,i32,i19,i49,i9,i36) if( call i013(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,i4,i32) enddo endif i4(i9)=0.0d0 do j=1,i6(o) i4(i9+j) = i4(i9+j-1) + i4(w+j-1) enddo i4(i7) = i4(i27) i4(i170) = i4(i66) i93 = 0 if(i6(i12).eq.1)then if( call i010(p( 1 ),l( 1 ),i17( 1 ),i4(i45),i16) if(n.eq.0) p( 1 ) = l( 1 ) call i020(m,i6(o),i4,i32,i19,i14,i40,i11, & g( 1 ),l( 1 ),i17( 1 ),p( 1 )) endif 12 i6(i18) = i6(i18) + 1 i6(i13) = 0 call i03(m,i8,i4,i32,i49,i19,i6,i99,o,i18,i1,i36) if(i48(7).gt.0.0d0)then i6(i29) = i6(i28) else call i012(i6,i99,i18,i29,i28,i24,i22,i27,i31) endif if(i6(i18).eq.1) i4(i1) = 1.0d16 if(i6(i18).gt.1) i4(i1) = i4(i11) 13 do c = 1,f i6(i13) = i6(i13) + 1 if(i6(i18).eq.1)then if(i6(10).le.1)then if(i48(6).ne.0.0d0)then call i018(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2, & i4,i32,i31,dabs(i48(6)),i36) else call i013(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,i4,i32) endif else call i06(m,i8,i4,i32,i6,i99,i31, & g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,dabs(i48(6)),i36) endif endif if(i6(i18).gt.1)call i011(m,i8,i6(o),g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2, & i4,i32,i19,i49,i9,i36) if( call i013(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,i4,i32) enddo if(i6(i13).ge.i6(i29) i42 = -10 3 return 14 continue if(i6(13).eq.1.or.i6(i18).eq.1)then i42 = -2 goto 12 else if( i42 = -2 goto 12 endif if(i42.eq.-39)then i93 = 1 i42 = -99 goto 101 endif do c = 1,f if( i6(31) = 0 call i015(f,m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2,i19,i49,i4, & i32,i6,i99,i42,i93,i36) if( i42 = -31 if((i14-i19)/ i42 = -23 goto 14 endif if( call i07(m,i8,g( (c-1)*m+1 ),i5,i2, & i4,i32,i6,i99,i18,i19,i36) i93 = 0 i42 = -39 endif enddo if(i93.eq.1) goto 101 goto 3 endif 999 l( 1 ) = i4(i27) i17( 1 ) = i4(i66) do i=1,m g(i) = i4(i31+i-1) enddo do j=1,n x(j) = i4(i23+j-1) enddo if(i17( 1 ).le.i16)then i42 = 0 else i42 = 1 endif end subroutine i06(m,i8,i4,i32,i6,i99,i31,g,i5,i2,i47,i36) implicit none integer m,i8,i32,i31,i6,i99,i,i36(*) double precision i4,g,i5,i2,i47,i35,i02,i04 double precision i34 dimension i4(i32),i6(i99),g(m),i5(m),i2(m) do i=1,m i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) / dble(i6(10)) if(*dble(i36(13)))then i35 = 0.1d0*dble(i36(13)) endif if( if( i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i))/i47 endif if( if( i35 = 1.0d0 / dsqrt(i47) endif endif endif i34 = i02(i4(1)) g(i) = i4(i31+i-1) + i35 * & i04(i34,i02(i4(1))) if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i5(i) + (i5(i)-g(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).gt.i2(i)) g(i) = i2(i) else g(i) = i5(i) endif goto 2 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i2(i) - (g(i)-i2(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).lt.i5(i)) g(i) = i5(i) else g(i) = i2(i) endif endif 2 if( g(i) = dnint(g(i)) enddo end subroutine i019(f,c,m,i4,i32,i6,i99,i19,i14,i40,i11, & g,l,i17,p,i36) implicit none integer f,c,m,i32,i99,i6,i19,i14,i40,i11,i,i36(*) double precision g,l,i17,p,i4 dimension g(m),i4(i32),i6(i99) if(i17.le.0.0d0.and.i4(i40).le.0.0d0)then if( i4(i14) - dabs(i4(i14)) / dble(10**i36(12)) )then i6(31 + c) = 0 goto 1 endif else if( i4(i11) - dabs(i4(i11)) / dble(10**i36(12)) )then i6(31 + c) = 0 goto 1 endif endif do i = 1,m i4(i19+i-1) = g(i) enddo i4(i40) = i17 i4(i14) = l i4(i11) = p i6(31 + c) = 1 1 if(c.eq.f)then i6(31) = 0 do i = 1,f i6(31) = i6(31) + i6(31+i) enddo if(i6(31).gt.1) i6(31) = 1 endif return end subroutine i016(i12,i29,o,i18,i13,i28,i24,i22) implicit none integer i12,i29,o,i18,i13,i28,i24,i22 o = 1 i12 = 2 i29 = 3 i18 = 4 i13 = 5 i28 = 6 i24 = 7 i22 = 8 end subroutine i017(m,n,i31,i27,i23,i66,i45,i30, & i19,i14,i40,i11,w,i49,i9,i1,i7,i170) implicit none integer m,n integer i31,i27,i23,i66 integer i45 integer i30 integer i19,i14,i40,i11 integer w,i49 integer i9 integer i1,i7,i170 i31 = 2 i27 = i31 + m i23 = i27 + 1 i66 = i23 + n i45 = i66 + 1 i19 = i45 + 1 i14 = i19 + m * i30 i40 = i14 + i30 i11 = i40 + i30 i9 = i11 + i30 w = i9 + i30 + 1 i49 = w + i30 i1 = i49 + m i7 = i1 + 1 i170 = i7 + 1 end subroutine i018(m,i8,g,i5,i2,i4,i32,i31,i47,i36) implicit none integer m,i8,i32,i31,i,i36(*) double precision g,i5,i2,i4,i47,i35,i02,i04,i34 dimension g(m),i5(m),i2(m),i4(i32) do i=1,m i35 = (i2(i)-i5(i)) / i47 if( if( i35 = 1.0d0 / dsqrt(i47) endif endif i34 = i02(i4(1)) g(i) = i4(i31+i-1) + i35 * & i04(i34,i02(i4(1))) if(g(i).lt.i5(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i5(i) + (i5(i)-g(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).gt.i2(i)) g(i) = i2(i) else g(i) = i5(i) endif goto 2 endif if(g(i).gt.i2(i))then if(*dble(i36(2)))then g(i) = i2(i) - (g(i)-i2(i)) / dble(3**i36(3)) if(g(i).lt.i5(i)) g(i) = i5(i) else g(i) = i2(i) endif endif 2 if( g(i) = dnint(g(i)) enddo end subroutine i010(p,l,i17,i45,i16) implicit none double precision p,l,i17,i45,i16,i61 i61 = l - i45 if (l.le.i45.and.i17.le.i16) then p = i61 return else if (l.le.i45) then p = i17 return else if (i17.le.i61) then p = i61 + i17**2/(2.0d0*i61) - i17/2.0d0 else p = i17 + i61**2/(2.0d0*i17) - i61/2.0d0 endif endif endif end subroutine i021(o,i4,i32,w) implicit none integer o,i32,j,i57,w double precision i4 dimension i4(i32) i57 = 0 do j=1,o i57 = i57 + j enddo do j=1,o i4(w+j-1) = dble(o-j+1)/dble(i57) enddo end subroutine i014(i17,x,n,i0,i16) implicit none integer n,i0,i double precision x,i17,i16 dimension x(n) i17 = 0.0d0 if(n.eq.0)return do i=1,n if (x(i).lt.-i16) i17 = i17 - x(i) enddo do i=1,i0 if (x(i).gt. i16) i17 = i17 + x(i) enddo end subroutine i024(i36,m,i8) implicit none integer i36(*),m,i8 if( i36( 1) = 18 i36( 2) = 6 i36( 3) = 4 i36( 4) = 4 i36( 5) = 5 i36( 6) = 18 i36( 7) = 13 i36( 8) = 5 i36( 9) = 2 i36( 10) = 7 i36( 11) = 15 i36( 12) = 8 i36( 13) = 9 i36( 14) = 7 i36( 15) = 12 i36( 16) = 5 i36( 17) = 5 i36( 18) = 5 i36( 19) = 8 i36( 20) = 37 else i36( 1) = 4 i36( 2) = 4 i36( 3) = 3 i36( 4) = 3 i36( 5) = 2 i36( 6) = 49 i36( 7) = 37 i36( 8) = 7 i36( 9) = 0 i36( 10) = 8 i36( 11) = 3 i36( 12) = 6 i36( 13) = 4 i36( 14) = 3 i36( 15) = 3 i36( 16) = 2 i36( 17) = 10 i36( 18) = 12 i36( 19) = 4 i36( 20) = 58 endif end subroutine alphabet(a,b) implicit none character*1 a integer b b = 0 if(a(1:1).eq.'A') b = 52 if(a(1:1).eq.'B') b = 28 if(a(1:1).eq.'C') b = 49 if(a(1:1).eq.'D') b = 30 if(a(1:1).eq.'E') b = 31 if(a(1:1).eq.'F') b = 32 if(a(1:1).eq.'G') b = 33 if(a(1:1).eq.'H') b = 34 if(a(1:1).eq.'I') b = 35 if(a(1:1).eq.'J') b = 36 if(a(1:1).eq.'K') b = 37 if(a(1:1).eq.'L') b = 38 if(a(1:1).eq.'M') b = 39 if(a(1:1).eq.'N') b = 40 if(a(1:1).eq.'O') b = 41 if(a(1:1).eq.'P') b = 42 if(a(1:1).eq.'Q') b = 43 if(a(1:1).eq.'R') b = 44 if(a(1:1).eq.'S') b = 45 if(a(1:1).eq.'T') b = 46 if(a(1:1).eq.'U') b = 47 if(a(1:1).eq.'V') b = 48 if(a(1:1).eq.'W') b = 29 if(a(1:1).eq.'X') b = 50 if(a(1:1).eq.'Y') b = 51 if(a(1:1).eq.'Z') b = 27 if(a(1:1).eq.'0') b = 53 if(a(1:1).eq.'1') b = 54 if(a(1:1).eq.'2') b = 55 if(a(1:1).eq.'3') b = 56 if(a(1:1).eq.'4') b = 57 if(a(1:1).eq.'5') b = 58 if(a(1:1).eq.'6') b = 59 if(a(1:1).eq.'7') b = 60 if(a(1:1).eq.'8') b = 61 if(a(1:1).eq.'9') b = 62 if(a(1:1).eq.'a') b = 23 if(a(1:1).eq.'b') b = 2 if(a(1:1).eq.'c') b = 3 if(a(1:1).eq.'d') b = 16 if(a(1:1).eq.'e') b = 5 if(a(1:1).eq.'f') b = 13 if(a(1:1).eq.'g') b = 7 if(a(1:1).eq.'h') b = 8 if(a(1:1).eq.'i') b = 9 if(a(1:1).eq.'j') b = 10 if(a(1:1).eq.'k') b = 11 if(a(1:1).eq.'l') b = 12 if(a(1:1).eq.'m') b = 6 if(a(1:1).eq.'n') b = 14 if(a(1:1).eq.'o') b = 15 if(a(1:1).eq.'p') b = 4 if(a(1:1).eq.'q') b = 17 if(a(1:1).eq.'r') b = 18 if(a(1:1).eq.'s') b = 19 if(a(1:1).eq.'t') b = 20 if(a(1:1).eq.'u') b = 21 if(a(1:1).eq.'v') b = 22 if(a(1:1).eq.'w') b = 1 if(a(1:1).eq.'x') b = 24 if(a(1:1).eq.'y') b = 25 if(a(1:1).eq.'z') b = 26 if(a(1:1).eq.'_') b = 64 if(a(1:1).eq.'(') b = 65 if(a(1:1).eq.')') b = 66 if(a(1:1).eq.'+') b = 67 if(a(1:1).eq.'-') b = 68 if(a(1:1).eq.'&') b = 69 if(a(1:1).eq.'.') b = 70 if(a(1:1).eq.',') b = 71 if(a(1:1).eq.':') b = 72 if(a(1:1).eq.';') b = 73 if(a(1:1).eq.'*') b = 74 if(a(1:1).eq.'=') b = 75 if(a(1:1).eq.'/') b = 76 if(a(1:1).eq.'!') b = 80 if(a(1:1).eq.'[') b = 83 if(a(1:1).eq.']') b = 84 end CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C This subroutine handles all printing commands for MIDACO. C Note that this subroutine is called independently from MIDACO and C MIDACO itself does not include any print commands (due to C compiler portability and robustness). CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE MIDACO_PRINT(C,PRINTEVAL,SAVE2FILE,IFLAG,ISTOP,F,G, & X,XL,XU,N,NI,M,ME,RW,LRW,MAXEVAL,MAXTIME,PARAM,P,KEY) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC IMPLICIT NONE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC INTEGER C,PRINTEVAL,SAVE2FILE,IFLAG,ISTOP,EVAL,N,NI,M,ME,LRW INTEGER TIC,Q,I,IOUT1,IOUT2,MAXEVAL,MAXTIME,KMAX,UPDATE INTEGER KF,KG,KRES,KX,WF,WG,WRES,WX,KBEST,WBEST,P DOUBLE PRECISION TNOW,TSTART,TMAX,RW(LRW),BESTF,BESTR,F,G(M),X(N) DOUBLE PRECISION XL(N),XU(N),ACC,PARAM(9),DUMMY_F,DUMMY_VIO C Increase size, if problems with N > 1000 are solved DOUBLE PRECISION BESTX(1000),BESTG(1000) CHARACTER*60 KEY DATA KF,KG,KRES,KX,WF,WG,WRES,WX /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ DATA KBEST,WBEST,TIC,Q,EVAL,IOUT1,IOUT2 /0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ DATA BESTF,BESTR,DUMMY_F,DUMMY_VIO /0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0/ DATA TNOW,TSTART,TMAX,ACC /0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0/ IF(C.EQ.2)THEN CALL GET_TIME(TNOW) TNOW = TNOW - TSTART EVAL = EVAL + P IF(IFLAG.GE.10)THEN CALL WARNINGS_AND_ERRORS( IFLAG, 0 ) IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1)THEN CALL WARNINGS_AND_ERRORS( IFLAG, IOUT1 ) CALL WARNINGS_AND_ERRORS( IFLAG, IOUT2 ) ENDIF IF(IFLAG.GE.100) RETURN ENDIF IF(PRINTEVAL.GE.1)THEN TIC = TIC + P IF(TIC.GE.PRINTEVAL.OR.EVAL.EQ.P.OR.IFLAG.GE.1)THEN IF(EVAL.GT.P) TIC = 0 IF(RW(KRES).EQ.RW(WRES))THEN KBEST=KF WBEST=WF ELSE KBEST=KRES WBEST=WRES ENDIF IF(RW(WBEST).LT.RW(KBEST).OR. & (IFLAG.GE.1.OR.IFLAG.EQ.-300))THEN BESTF = RW(WF) BESTR = RW(WRES) DO I=1,M BESTG(I) = RW(WG+I) ENDDO DO I=1,N BESTX(I) = RW(WX+I) ENDDO ELSE BESTF = RW(KF) BESTR = RW(KRES) DO I=1,M BESTG(I) = RW(KG+I) ENDDO DO I=1,N BESTX(I) = RW(KX+I) ENDDO ENDIF CALL PRINT_LINE(EVAL,TNOW,BESTF,BESTR,0) IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1)THEN CALL PRINT_LINE(EVAL,TNOW,BESTF,BESTR,IOUT1) ENDIF IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1)THEN UPDATE = 0 IF( (BESTR.LT.DUMMY_VIO) .OR. & (BESTR.EQ.DUMMY_VIO.AND.BESTF.LT.DUMMY_F) )THEN DUMMY_F = BESTF DUMMY_VIO = BESTR UPDATE = 1 ENDIF IF(UPDATE.EQ.1)THEN WRITE(IOUT2,31) 31 FORMAT(/,/,' CURRENT BEST SOLUTION') CALL PRINT_SOLUTION( N, M, ME, BESTX, BESTG, BESTF, & BESTR, XL, XU, ACC, EVAL, TNOW, IFLAG, IOUT2) CONTINUE ENDIF CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT1 ) CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT2 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(ISTOP.EQ.0)THEN IF(TNOW.GE.TMAX ) IFLAG = -999 IF(EVAL.GE.MAXEVAL-1)THEN IF(MAXEVAL.LE.99999999) IFLAG = -999 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN ENDIF IF(C.EQ.1)THEN IFLAG = 0 ISTOP = 0 TMAX = DBLE(MAXTIME) CALL GET_TIME(TSTART) EVAL = 0 if(param(1).le.0.0D0)then acc = 1.0D-3 else acc = param(1) endif KMAX = 100 Q = 2*N+M+(N+5)*KMAX+8 KX = 1 KF = 2+N KG = 2+N KRES = 2+N+1+M WX = Q WF = Q+1+N WG = Q+1+N WRES = Q+1+N+1+M IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1)THEN IOUT1 = 36 IOUT2 = 37 OPEN(IOUT1,FILE='MIDACO_SCREEN.TXT' ,STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN(IOUT2,FILE='MIDACO_SOLUTION.TXT',STATUS='UNKNOWN') ENDIF BESTF = 1.0D+32 BESTR = 1.0D+32 DUMMY_F = 1.0D+32 DUMMY_VIO = 1.0D+32 TIC = 0 IF(PRINTEVAL.GE.1)THEN CALL PRINT_HEAD( N, NI, M, ME, PARAM, MAXEVAL, MAXTIME, & PRINTEVAL, SAVE2FILE, KEY, 0) IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1)THEN CALL PRINT_HEAD( N, NI, M, ME, PARAM, MAXEVAL, MAXTIME, & PRINTEVAL, SAVE2FILE, KEY, IOUT1) ENDIF ENDIF IF(SAVE2FILE.GE.1) WRITE(IOUT2,3) 3 FORMAT('MIDACO - SOLUTION',/, & '-----------------',/, &'This file saves the current best solution X found by MIDACO.',/, &'This file is updated after every PRINTEVAL function evaluation,', &/,'if X has been improved.',/,/) CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT1 ) CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT2 ) ENDIF IF(C.EQ.3.AND.PRINTEVAL.GE.1)THEN CALL PRINT_FINAL( IFLAG,TNOW,TMAX,EVAL,MAXEVAL, & N,M,ME,X,G,F,XL,XU,RW,ACC,WRES,PARAM, & 0 ) IF(SAVE2FILE.GT.0)THEN CALL PRINT_FINAL( IFLAG,TNOW,TMAX,EVAL,MAXEVAL, & N,M,ME,X,G,F,XL,XU,RW,ACC,WRES,PARAM, & IOUT1 ) CALL PRINT_FINAL( IFLAG,TNOW,TMAX,EVAL,MAXEVAL, & N,M,ME,X,G,F,XL,XU,RW,ACC,WRES,PARAM, & IOUT2 ) ENDIF CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT1 ) CALL FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT2 ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE PRINT_HEAD( N, NI, M, ME, PARAM, MAXEVAL, MAXTIME, & PRINTEVAL, SAVE2FILE, KEY, IOUT) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER N,NI,M,ME,IOUT,MAXTIME,MAXEVAL,SAVE2FILE,PRINTEVAL,I DOUBLE PRECISION PARAM(*) CHARACTER*60 KEY WRITE(IOUT,1) KEY,N,MAXEVAL,NI, & MAXTIME,M,PRINTEVAL,ME,SAVE2FILE DO I = 1,9 IF(PARAM(I).NE.0.0D0) GOTO 66 ENDDO IF(PRINTEVAL.GE.1) WRITE(IOUT,101) GOTO 67 66 IF(PARAM(1).NE.0.0D0.AND.DABS(PARAM(1)).LT.0.000001D0)THEN WRITE(IOUT,202) PARAM(1) ELSE IF(PARAM(1).EQ.0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,203) 0.001D0 IF(PARAM(1).NE.0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,203) PARAM(1) ENDIF WRITE(IOUT,104) PARAM(2) IF(PARAM(3).NE.0.0D0)THEN WRITE(IOUT,205) PARAM(3) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,204) PARAM(3) ENDIF WRITE(IOUT,105) PARAM(4) IF(PARAM(5).NE.0.0D0)THEN WRITE(IOUT,207) PARAM(5) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,206) PARAM(5) ENDIF WRITE(IOUT,106) PARAM(6),PARAM(7),PARAM(8),PARAM(9) 67 CONTINUE WRITE(IOUT,103) 1 FORMAT(/, & ' MIDACO 4.0 (',/, & ' -------------------------------------',/,/, & ' LICENSE-KEY: ',A60,/,/, & ' -------------------------------------',/, & ' | N', I7, ' | MAXEVAL', I12,' |',/, & ' | NI',I6, ' | MAXTIME', I12,' |',/, & ' | M', I7, ' | PRINTEVAL', I10,' |',/, & ' | ME',I6 ,' | SAVE2FILE', I10,' |',/, & ' |-----------------------------------|') 101 FORMAT(' | PARAMETER: All by default (0) |',/, & ' -------------------------------------') 202 FORMAT(' | PARAM(1)', D10.1,' ACCURACY G(X) |') 203 FORMAT(' | PARAM(1)', F10.6,' ACCURACY G(X) |') 104 FORMAT(' |-----------------------------------|',/, & ' | PARAM(2) ', F10.1,' RANDOM-SEED |') 204 FORMAT(' | PARAM(3) ', F10.1,' FSTOP |') 205 FORMAT(' | PARAM(3) ', D10.3,' FSTOP |') 105 FORMAT(' | PARAM(4) ', F10.1,' AUTOSTOP |') 206 FORMAT(' | PARAM(5) ', F10.1,' ORACLE |') 207 FORMAT(' | PARAM(5) ', D10.3,' ORACLE |') 106 FORMAT(' | PARAM(6) ', F10.1,' FOCUS |',/, & ' | PARAM(7) ', F10.1,' ANTS |',/, & ' | PARAM(8) ', F10.1,' KERNEL |',/, & ' | PARAM(9) ', F10.1,' CHARACTER |',/, & ' -------------------------------------') 103 FORMAT(/,/, & ' [ EVAL, TIME] OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE ', & ' VIOLATION OF G(X)',/, & ' -----------------------------------------------', & '-------------------------------') END SUBROUTINE PRINT_LINE( EVAL, TNOW, F, VIO, IOUT) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER EVAL, IOUT DOUBLE PRECISION TNOW, F, VIO IF(DABS(F).LE.1.0D+10)THEN IF(VIO.LE.1.0D+5)THEN WRITE(IOUT,1) EVAL, TNOW, F, VIO ELSE WRITE(IOUT,2) EVAL, TNOW, F, VIO ENDIF ELSE IF(VIO.LE.1.0D+5)THEN WRITE(IOUT,3) EVAL, TNOW, F, VIO ELSE WRITE(IOUT,4) EVAL, TNOW, F, VIO ENDIF ENDIF 1 FORMAT( &' [',I9,',',F8.2,'] F(X):',F19.8,' VIO:',F13.6) 2 FORMAT( &' [',I9,',',F8.2,'] F(X):',F19.8,' VIO:',D13.6) 3 FORMAT( &' [',I9,',',F8.2,'] F(X):',D19.10,' VIO:',F13.6) 4 FORMAT( &' [',I9,',',F8.2,'] F(X):',D19.10,' VIO:',D13.6) END SUBROUTINE PRINT_SOLUTION( N, M, ME, X, G, F, VIO, & XL, XU, ACC, EVAL, TNOW, IFLAG, IOUT) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER N,M,ME,EVAL,IFLAG,IOUT,I,J DOUBLE PRECISION X(*),G(*),F,VIO,XL(*),XU(*),ACC,TNOW,PROFIL WRITE(IOUT,4) WRITE(IOUT,41) EVAL,TNOW,IFLAG IF(DABS(F).LE.1.0D+14)THEN WRITE(IOUT,42) F ELSE WRITE(IOUT,82) F ENDIF IF(M.GT.0) WRITE(IOUT,142) IF(IFLAG.LT.100)THEN IF(VIO.LE.1.0D+12)THEN WRITE(IOUT,183) VIO ELSE WRITE(IOUT,184) VIO ENDIF ENDIF IF(M.GT.0) WRITE(IOUT,144) DO I = 1,ME IF(DABS(G(I)).LE.ACC)THEN IF(DABS(G(I)).LE.1.0D+14)THEN WRITE(IOUT,43) I,G(I) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,83) I,G(I) ENDIF ELSE IF(DABS(G(I)).LE.1.0D+14)THEN WRITE(IOUT,431) I,G(I) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,831) I,G(I) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO DO I = ME+1,M IF(G(I).GE.-ACC)THEN IF(DABS(G(I)).LE.1.0D+14)THEN WRITE(IOUT,44) I,G(I) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,84) I,G(I) ENDIF ELSE IF(DABS(G(I)).LE.1.0D+14)THEN WRITE(IOUT,441) I,G(I) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,841) I,G(I) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(IOUT,145) DO I = 1,N PROFIL = -1.0D0 IF( X(I).GT.XU(I)+1.0D-6 )THEN PROFIL = 91.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF IF( X(I).LT.XL(I)-1.0D-6 )THEN PROFIL = 92.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF IF( XL(I).GT.XU(I) )THEN PROFIL = 93.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF IF( XL(I).EQ.XU(I) )THEN PROFIL = 90.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF IF( DABS(X(I)-XL(I)) .LE. (XU(I)-XL(I))/1000.0D0 )THEN PROFIL = 0.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF IF( DABS(XU(I)-X(I)) .LE. (XU(I)-XL(I))/1000.0D0 )THEN PROFIL = 22.0D0 GOTO 88 ENDIF DO J = 1,21 IF( X(I) .LE. XL(I) + DBLE(J) * (XU(I)-XL(I))/21.0D0)THEN PROFIL = DBLE(J) GOTO 88 ENDIF ENDDO 88 CONTINUE IF(DABS(X(I)).LE.1.0D+14)THEN IF(PROFIL.EQ. 0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,400) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 1.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,401) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 2.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,402) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 3.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,403) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 4.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,404) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 5.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,405) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 6.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,406) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 7.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,407) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 8.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,408) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 9.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,409) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.10.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,410) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.11.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,411) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.12.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,412) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.13.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,413) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.14.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,414) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.15.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,415) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.16.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,416) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.17.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,417) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.18.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,418) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.19.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,419) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.20.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,420) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.21.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,421) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.22.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,422) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.90.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,490) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.91.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,491) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.92.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,492) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.93.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,493) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.LT.0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,*) 'PROFIL-ERROR' ELSE IF(PROFIL.EQ. 0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,800) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 1.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,801) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 2.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,802) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 3.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,803) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 4.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,804) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 5.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,805) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 6.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,806) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 7.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,807) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 8.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,808) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ. 9.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,809) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.10.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,810) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.11.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,811) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.12.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,812) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.13.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,813) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.14.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,814) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.15.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,815) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.16.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,816) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.17.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,817) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.18.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,818) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.19.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,819) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.20.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,820) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.21.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,821) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.22.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,822) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.90.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,890) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.91.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,891) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.92.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,892) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.EQ.93.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,893) I,X(I) IF(PROFIL.LT.0.0D0) WRITE(IOUT,*) 'PROFIL-ERROR' ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(IOUT,47) 4 FORMAT(' --------------------------------------------') 41 FORMAT(' EVAL:',I9,', TIME:',F9.2,', IFLAG:',I4,/, & ' --------------------------------------------') 42 FORMAT(' F(X) =',F38.15) 82 FORMAT(' F(X) =',D38.6) 142 FORMAT(' --------------------------------------------') 183 FORMAT(' VIOLATION OF G(X)',F27.12) 184 FORMAT(' VIOLATION OF G(X)',D27.6) 144 FORMAT(' --------------------------------------------') 43 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',F15.8,' (EQUALITY CONSTR)') 44 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',F15.8,' (IN-EQUAL CONSTR)') 431 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',F15.8,' (EQUALITY CONSTR)', & ' <--- INFEASIBLE ( G NOT = 0 )') 441 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',F15.8,' (IN-EQUAL CONSTR)', & ' <--- INFEASIBLE ( G < 0 )') 83 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',D15.2,' (EQUALITY CONSTR)') 84 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',D15.2,' (IN-EQUAL CONSTR)') 831 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',D15.2,' (EQUALITY CONSTR)', & ' <--- INFEASIBLE ( G NOT = 0 )') 841 FORMAT(' G(',I4,') = ',D15.2,' (IN-EQUAL CONSTR)', & ' <--- INFEASIBLE ( G < 0 )') 145 FORMAT(' --------------------------------------------', & ' BOUNDS-PROFIL ') 400 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! XL___________________') 401 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! x____________________') 402 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _x___________________') 403 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! __x__________________') 404 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ___x_________________') 405 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ____x________________') 406 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _____x_______________') 407 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ______x______________') 408 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _______x_____________') 409 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ________x____________') 410 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _________x___________') 411 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! __________x__________') 412 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ___________x_________') 413 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ____________x________') 414 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _____________x_______') 415 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ______________x______') 416 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _______________x_____') 417 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ________________x____') 418 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! _________________x___') 419 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! __________________x__') 420 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ___________________x_') 421 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ____________________x') 422 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! ___________________XU') 490 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' ! WARNING: XL = XU ') 491 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' <--- *** ERROR *** (X > XU) ') 492 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' <--- *** ERROR *** (X < XL) ') 493 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',F34.15,' <--- *** ERROR *** (XL > XU)') 800 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! XL___________________') 801 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! x____________________') 802 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _x___________________') 803 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! __x__________________') 804 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ___x_________________') 805 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ____x________________') 806 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _____x_______________') 807 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ______x______________') 808 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _______x_____________') 809 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ________x____________') 810 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _________x___________') 811 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! __________x__________') 812 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ___________x_________') 813 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ____________x________') 814 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _____________x_______') 815 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ______________x______') 816 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _______________x_____') 817 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ________________x____') 818 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! _________________x___') 819 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! __________________x__') 820 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ___________________x_') 821 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ____________________x') 822 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! ___________________XU') 890 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' ! WARNING: XL = XU ') 891 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' <--- *** ERROR *** (X > XU) ') 892 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' <--- *** ERROR *** (X < XL) ') 893 FORMAT(' X(',I4,') = ',D34.1,' <--- *** ERROR *** (XL > XU)') 47 FORMAT(/,' ') END SUBROUTINE PRINT_FINAL(IFLAG,TNOW,TMAX,EVAL,MAXEVAL, & N,M,ME,X,G,F,XL,XU,RW,ACC,WRES,PARAM,IOUT) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER IFLAG,EVAL,MAXEVAL,N,M,ME,WRES,IOUT DOUBLE PRECISION TNOW,TMAX,X(*),G(*),F,XL(*),XU(*),RW(*),ACC DOUBLE PRECISION PARAM(*) IF(IFLAG.EQ.1.OR.IFLAG.EQ.2)THEN IF(TNOW.GE.TMAX) WRITE(IOUT,411) IF(EVAL.GE.MAXEVAL) WRITE(IOUT,412) ENDIF IF(IFLAG.EQ.3.OR.IFLAG.EQ.4) WRITE(IOUT,413) NINT(PARAM(4)) IF(IFLAG.EQ.5.OR.IFLAG.EQ.6) WRITE(IOUT,414) 411 FORMAT(/,' OPTIMIZATION FINISHED ---> MAXTIME REACHED') 412 FORMAT(/,' OPTIMIZATION FINISHED ---> MAXEVAL REACHED') 413 FORMAT(/,' OPTIMIZATION FINISHED ---> AUTOSTOP (=',I3,')') 414 FORMAT(/,' OPTIMIZATION FINISHED ---> FSTOP REACHED') WRITE(IOUT,42) 42 FORMAT(/,/,' BEST SOLUTION FOUND BY MIDACO ') CALL PRINT_SOLUTION( N, M, ME, X, G, F, RW(WRES), & XL, XU, ACC, EVAL, TNOW, IFLAG, IOUT) END SUBROUTINE WARNINGS_AND_ERRORS( IFLAG , IOUT ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER IFLAG,IOUT IF(IFLAG.LT.100)THEN WRITE(IOUT,1) IFLAG 1 FORMAT(/,' *** WARNING *** ( IFLAG =',I6,' )',/) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,2) IFLAG 2 FORMAT(/,/,/,' *** MIDACO INPUT ERROR *** ( IFLAG =',I6,' )') ENDIF END SUBROUTINE GET_TIME( SECONDS ) DOUBLE PRECISION SECONDS CALL CPU_TIME( SECONDS ) END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C This subroutine forces to flush the MIDACO output to text files. c Some Fortran compiler (e.g. g77 and f77) do not accept the 'flush' c command. In case you have any problems with 'flush', you can c savely remove or comment the below 'flush' command. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE FORCE_OUTPUT( IOUT ) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC INTEGER IOUT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FLUSH( IOUT ) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC END c END OF FILE