christen this file glcpd.f cut here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c Copyright (C) 2010 Roger Fletcher c Current version dated 27 March 2013 c THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE ECLIPSE PUBLIC c LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM c CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT subroutine glcpd(n,m,k,kmax,maxg,a,la,x,bl,bu,f,fmin,g,r,w,e,ls, * alp,lp,mlp,peq,ws,lws,cws,v,nv,rgtol,m0de,ifail,mxgr,iprint,nout) implicit double precision (a-h,r-z), integer (i-q) c This routine finds a KT point for the General LCP (Linearly Constrained c Problem) c minimize f(x) c subject to l <= [I : A]t.x <= u (t = transpose) c where f(x) is a given function of n variables x, to be determined. c Lower and upper bound constraints on the variables x and the linear c functions At.x may be supplied, where A is an n*m matrix. c A recursive form of an active set method is used, using Wolfe's method to c resolve degeneracy. A limited memory reduced gradient sweep method is used c for minimization in the null space, so usually the KT point is a local c minimizer. Matrix information is made available and processed by calls to c external subroutines. Details of these are given in an auxiliary file c named either 'denseL.f' or 'schurQR.f'. (schurQR.f is a more recent c replacement for the file sparseL.f) c parameter list (variables in a line starting with C must be set on entry) c ************** C n number of variables C m number of general constraints (columns of A) c k dimension of the null space obtained by eliminating the active c constraints (only to be set if mode>=2). The number of constraints in c the active set is n-k C kmax maximum value of k (kmax <= n) C maxg max number of reduced gradient vectors stored in sweep method: C (1 < maxg <= kmax+1 when kmax>0), typically maxg = min(6,kmax+1) C a(*) storage of reals associated with A. This storage may be provided C in either dense or sparse format. Refer to either denseA.f or sparseA.f C for information on how to set a(*) and la(*). The vector c referred to C in these files should be set to the zero vector. C la(*) storage of integers associated with c and A C x(n) contains the vector of variables. Initially an estimate of the solution C must be set, replaced by the solution (if it exists) on exit. C bl(n+m) vector of lower bounds for variables and general constraints C bu(n+m) vector of upper bounds (use numbers less than about 1.e30, and C where possible supply realistic bounds on the x variables) c f returns the value of f(x) when x is a feasible solution c Otherwise f stores the sum of constraint infeasibilities C fmin set a strict lower bound on f(x) (used to identify an unbounded LCP) c g(n) returns the gradient vector of f(x) when x is feasible c r(n+m) workspace: stores constraint residuals (or multipliers if the c constraint is active). The sign convention is such that these are c nonnegative at a solution (except multipliers of equality constraints) c w(n+m) workspace: stores denominators for ratio tests c e(n+m) stores steepest-edge normalization coefficients: if mode>2 then c information in this vector from a previous call should not be changed. c (In mode 3 these values provide approximate coefficients) c ls(n+m) stores indices of the active constraints in locations 1:n and of c the inactive constraints in locations n+1:n+m. The simple bounds c on the variables are indexed by 1:n and the general constraints by c n+1:n+m. The sign of ls(j) indicates whether the lower bound (+) or c the upper bound (-) of constraint ls(j) is currently significant. c Within the set of active constraints, locations 1:peq store the indices c of any equality constraints, locations peq+1:n-k store the indices of c any inequality constraints, and locations n-k+1:n store the indices of c any free variables (variables not on a bound, which are used to c parametrise the null space: ls(j) is always positive in this range) c If mode>=2, the first n-k elements of ls must be set on entry c alp(mlp) workspace associated with recursion c lp(mlp) list of pointers to recursion information in ls C mlp maximum number of levels of recursion allowed (mlp>2: typically C mlp=50 would usually be adequate but mlp=m is an upper bound) c peq pointer to the end of equality constraint indices in ls c ws(*) real workspace for gdotx (see below), qlcpd and denseL.f (or schurQR.f) c Set the total number in mxws (see "Common" below). c lws(*) integer workspace for gdotx, qlcpd and denseL.f (or schurQR.f). c Set the total number in mxlws (see "Common" below). c The storage maps for ws and lws are set by the routine stmap below c cws(*) character workspace (if any) needed by funct C v(maxg) set nv estimates of the eigenvalues of the reduced Hessian of f(x) C (for example from a previous run of glcpd). Set nv=1 and v(1)=1.D0 C in absence of other information. New values of v are left on exit C nv Number of estimates in v C rgtol required accuracy in the reduced gradient l2 norm: it is advisable not C to seek too high accuracy - rgtol may be increased by the code if it c is deemed to be too small, see the definition of sgnf below C m0de mode of operation (larger numbers imply extra information): C 0 = cold start (no other information available, takes simple C bounds for the initial active set) C 1 = as 0 but includes all equality constraints in initial active set C 2 = user sets n-k active constraint indices in ls(j), j=1,..,n-k. c For a general constraint the sign of ls(j) indicates which c bound to use. For a simple bound the current value of x is used C 3 = takes active set and other information from a previous call. C Steepest edge weights are approximated using previous values. C 4 = as 3 but it is also assumed that columns of A are unchanged c so that factors of the basis matrix stored in ws and lws are c valid (changes in f(x) and the vectors l and u are allowed) C A local copy (mode) of m0de is made and may be changed by glcpd c ifail outcome of the process c 0 = solution obtained c 1 = unbounded problem (f(x) bu(i) for some i c 3 = infeasible problem detected in Phase 1 c 4 = line search cannot improve f (possibly increase rgtol) c 5 = mxgr gradient calls exceeded (this test is only carried c out at the start of each iteration) c 6 = incorrect setting of m, n, kmax, maxg, mlp, m0de or tol c 7 = not enough space in ws or lws c 8 = not enough space in lp (increase mlp) c 9 = dimension of reduced space too large (increase kmax) c 10 = maximum number of unsuccessful restarts taken c >10= possible use by later sparse matrix codes C mxgr maximum number of gradient calls C iprint switch for diagnostic printing (0 = off, 1 = summary, C 2 = scalar information, 3 = verbose) C nout channel number for output c Storage Allocation c ****************** c User information about the lengths of ws and lws is supplied to glcpd in c common/wsc/kk,ll,kkk,lll,mxws,mxlws c kk and ll refer to the lengths of ws and lws needed by the user subroutines. c kkk and lll are the numbers of locations used by glcpd and are set by glcpd. c The rest of ws and lws is used by the files denseL.f or schurQR.f c mxws and mxlws must be set to the total lengths of ws and lws available: a c message will be given if more storage is needed. c User subroutines c **************** c The user must provide two subroutines as follows c subroutine funct(n,x,f,ws,lws,cws) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension x(*),ws(*),lws(*) c character cws(*) c ... c statements to compute f(x) from x c ... c return c end c subroutine grad(n,x,g,ws,lws,cws) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension x(*),ws(*),lws(*) c character cws(*) c ... c statements to compute grad.f(x) in g from x (the user c may assume that a call of grad immediately follows one c of funct with the same vector x.) c ... c return c end c The parameters ws, lws and cws in the above subroutines enables data to be c passed from the user's calling program to these subroutines c Tolerances, accuracy and diagnostics c ************************************ c glcpd uses tolerance and accuracy information stored in c common/epsc/eps,tol,emin c common/repc/sgnf,nrep,npiv,nres c common/refactorc/mc,mxmc c common/infoc/rgnorm,vstep,iter,npv,nfn,ngr c eps must be set to the machine precision (unit round-off) and tol is a c tolerance such that numbers whose absolute value is less than tol are c truncated to zero. This tolerance strategy in the code assumes that the c problem is well-scaled. The parameter sgnf is used to measure the maximum c allowable relative error in gradient values. If at any stage the accuracy c requirement rgtol < sgnf*rgnorm then rgtol is increased to sgnf*rgnorm c The code allows one or more refinement steps after the c calculation has terminated, to improve the accuracy of the solution, c and a fixed number nrep of such repeats is allowed. However the code c terminates without further repeats if no more than npiv pivots are taken. c In case of any breakdown, the code is restarted in mode 0. c The maximum number of unsuccessful restarts allowed is set in nres. c The basis matrix may be refactorised on occasions, for example to prevent c build-up of round-off in the factors or (when using schurQR.f) to limit c the growth in the Schur complement. The maximum interval between c refactorizations (or size of Schur complement) is set in mxmc. c Default values are set in block data but can be reset by the user. c infoc returns information about the progress of the method: rgnorm is the c norm of the reduced gradient on exit, and vstep is the length of the vertical c step in the warm start process. iter is the total number of iterations taken, c npv is the number of pivots, nfn is the number of function evaluations, and c ngr is the number of gradient evaluations. parameter (ainfty=1.D100) dimension a(*),la(*),x(*),bl(*),bu(*),g(*),r(*),w(*),e(*),ls(*), * alp(*),lp(*),ws(*),lws(*),v(*) character cws(*) character*32 spaces common/lcpdc/na,na1,nb,nb1,krg,krg1,kr,kr1, * ka,ka1,kb,kb1,kc,kc1,kd,kd1,ke,ke1,lu1,ll1 common/epsc/eps,t0l,emin c common/epsc/eps,tol,emin common/infoc/rgnorm,vstep,iter,npv,nfn,ngr common/repc/sgnf,nrep,npiv,nres common/wsc/kk,ll,kkk,lll,mxws,mxlws common/refactorc/mc,mxmc common/alphac/alpha,rp,pj,qqj,qqj1 logical plus 1 format(A,15I5) 2 format(A,6E15.7) 3 format(A/(15I5)) 4 format(A/(5E15.7)) 5 format((6E15.7)) 6 format(A,I5,2E15.7) spaces=' ' mode=m0de tol=t0l iter=0 npv=0 if( * ifail=6 return endif rgt0l=rgtol n1=n+1 nm=n+m nmi=nm nfn=0 ngr=0 nv0=nv if( write(nout,1000)'lower bounds',(bl(i),i=1,nm) write(nout,1000)'upper bounds',(bu(i),i=1,nm) endif irep=0 ires=0 do i=1,nm t=bu(i)-bl(i) if( c print *,'i,bl(i),bu(i)',i,bl(i),bu(i) ifail=2 return elseif(t.le.tol)then bl(i)=5.D-1*(bl(i)+bu(i)) bu(i)=bl(i) endif enddo vmax=0.D0 do i=1,n x(i)=min(bu(i),max(bl(i),x(i))) vmax=max(vmax,bu(i)-bl(i)) enddo if(mode.le.2)then call stmap(n,nm,kmax,maxg) if(mode.eq.0)then nk=0 elseif(mode.eq.1)then c collect equality c/s nk=0 do i=1,nm if(bu(i) nk=nk+1 ls(nk)=i endif enddo c write(nout,*)'number of eqty c/s =',nk else nk=n-k endif endif c restarts loop 7 continue lp(1)=nm lev=1 if(mode.le.3)then c set up factors of basis matrix and permutation vectors ifail=mode call start_up(n,nm,nmi,a,la,nk,e,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),mode,ifail) if( endif 8 continue peq=0 ig=0 c refinement step loop mpiv=iter+npiv ninf=0 do i=1,n g(i)=0.D0 enddo if( call warm_start(n,nm,a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,ws(lu1), * lws(ll1),ws(na1),vstep) c print *,'vstep,vmax',vstep,vmax if(*vmax)then mpiv=0 mode=0 nk=0 do i=1,n x(i)=min(bu(i),max(bl(i),x(i))) enddo goto7 endif if( endif k=0 c collect free variables do j=n,1,-1 i=abs(ls(j)) if(i.le.n.and.x(i) call iexch(ls(j),ls(n-k)) k=k+1 endif enddo if(mode.eq.0)then do j=1,n-k i=ls(j) if(x(i).eq.bu(i))ls(j)=-i enddo lp(1)=n goto9 endif phase=0 c move inactive general c/s to the end do j=nm,n1,-1 i=abs(ls(j)) if( call iexch(ls(j),ls(lp(1))) lp(1)=lp(1)-1 endif enddo call residuals(n,n1,lp(1),a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,f,g,ninf) if( gnorm=sqrt(dble(ninf)) gtol=sgnf*gnorm rgtol=max(rgt0l,gtol) goto15 endif 9 continue c enter phase 1 phase=1 c collect active equality c/s do j=1,n-k i=abs(ls(j)) if(bu(i) peq=peq+1 call iexch(ls(j),ls(peq)) endif enddo call residuals(n,lp(1)+1,nm,a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,f,g,ninf) lp(1)=nm if( gnorm=sqrt(scpr(0.D0,g,g,n)) gtol=sgnf*gnorm rgtol=max(rgt0l,gtol) goto15 endif 10 continue phase=2 if(,*)'FEASIBILITY OBTAINED at level 1' n_inf=0 call funct(n,x,f,ws,lws,cws) nfn=nfn+1 if( call grad(n,x,g,ws,lws,cws) ngr=ngr+1 c write(nout,4)'x =',(x(i),i=1,n) c write(nout,4)'g =',(g(i),i=1,n) call newg gnorm=sqrt(scpr(0.D0,g,g,n)) gtol=sgnf*gnorm rgtol=max(rgt0l,gtol) alpha=1.D0 ig=0 if(,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8)')npv,f goto16 c start of major iteration 15 continue if( if(ninf.eq.0)then if( c write(nout,'(''pivots ='',I5, c * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8,'' k ='',I4)')npv,f,k write(nout,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8,'' rg ='',E12.4, * '' k ='',I4)')npv,f,rgnorm,k else write(nout,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8)')npv,f endif elseif(phase.eq.0)then write(nout,'(''pivots ='',I5,'' level = 1 f ='', * E16.8,'' ninfb ='',I4)')npv,f,ninf else write(nout,'(''pivots ='',I5,'' level = 1 f ='', * E16.8,'' ninf ='',I4)')npv,f,ninf endif endif 16 continue c calculate multipliers c print 4,'gradient =',(g(i),i=1,n) do i=1,nm w(i)=0.D0 enddo call fbsub(n,1,n,a,la,0,g,w,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),.true.) call signst(n,r,w,ls) c opposite bound or reset multiplier loop 20 continue if( write(nout,1001)'costs vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=1,n) c write(nout,1000)'steepest edge coefficients', c * (e(abs(ls(j))),j=1,n) if(,1) * '# active equality c/s and free variables = ',peq,k endif c call check(n,lp(1),nmi,kmax,g,a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,ws(nb1),f, c * ws,lws,cws,ninf,peq,k,1,p,rp) 21 continue call optest(peq+1,n-k,r,e,ls,rp,pj) if(phase.eq.0)then c possibly choose an active general c/s to relax (marked by rp>0) t=-1.D1*rp do 13 j=1,n i=abs(ls(j)) if(i.le.n)goto13 if(bu(i) r(i)=-r(i) ls(j)=-ls(j) endif if(r(i)/e(i).le.t)goto13 rp=r(i) t=rp/e(i) pj=j 13 continue endif if(ig.eq.0)then gg=0.D0 do j=n-k+1,n i=ls(j) gg=gg+r(i)**2 enddo rgnorm=sqrt(gg) endif c print 2,'rgtol,rgnorm,rp',rgtol,rgnorm,rp 25 continue if(rgnorm.le.rgtol.and.abs(rp).le.gtol)then c allow for changes to norm(g) gnorm=sqrt(scpr(0.D0,g,g,n)) gtol=sgnf*gnorm rgtol=max(rgt0l,gtol) endif c if(iprint.eq.3)print 2,'gtol,rgtol,rgnorm,rp',gtol,rgtol,rgnorm,rp if((rgnorm.le.rgtol.and.abs(rp).le.gtol) c optimal at current level: first tidy up x do j=peq+1,n-k i=abs(ls(j)) if(i.le.n)then if(ls(j).ge.0)then x(i)=bl(i) else x(i)=bu(i) endif endif enddo do i=1,n x(i)=max(min(x(i),bu(i)),bl(i)) enddo do j=n1,nm i=abs(ls(j)) if(r(i).le.tol.and.i.le.n)then r(i)=0.D0 if(ls(j).ge.0)then x(i)=bl(i) else x(i)=bu(i) endif endif enddo if( ifail=5 return endif if( write(nout,*)'OPTIMAL at level 1' if( c write(nout,1000)'x variables',(x(i),i=1,n) write(nout,1001)'residual vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=n1,nm) endif endif irep=irep+1 if( if(,*)'refinement step #',irep mode=4 goto8 endif if( * write(nout,*)'total number of restarts =',ires if( ifail=3 return endif nv=nv0 ifail=0 return endif if( c ignore the multiplier of c/s p and set up or continue SD steps p=0 else p=abs(ls(pj)) if( 1,'CHOOSE p =',p rp=r(p) call iexch(ls(pj),ls(n-k)) pj=n-k ig=0 endif c if( if( c compute +/- Steepest Edge (SE) search direction s in an(.) call tfbsub(n,a,la,p,ws(na1),ws(na1),ws(lu1),lws(ll1), * e(p),.true.) rp=scpr(0.D0,ws(na1),g,n) if(ls(pj).lt.0)rp=-rp if(rp*r(p).le.0.D0)then r(p)=0.D0 goto21 endif if(abs(rp-r(p)).gt.5.D-1*max(abs(rp),abs(r(p))))then c if(abs(rp-r(p)).gt.1.D-1*gnorm)then print 2,'1rp,r(p),rp-r(p)',rp,r(p),rp-r(p) goto98 endif snorm=e(p) plus=ls(pj) f0=f ig=0 else if(ig.eq.0)then c start up the limited memory sweep method c if( c transfer c/s p into Z c if(ls(pj).lt.0)then c r(p)=-r(p) c ls(pj)=-ls(pj) c endif c k=k+1 c gg=gg+r(p)**2 c endif ig=1 ngv=1 f0=f ws(kb1)=gg rgnorm=sqrt(gg) c print 2,'initial rg =',(r(ls(j)),j=n-k+1,n) if(k**maxg)then ifail=9 return endif call store_rg(k,ig,ws(krg1),r,ls(n-k+1)) endif c compute Steepest Descent (SD) search direction s = -Z.rg in an(.) call zprod(k,n,a,la,ws(na1),r,w,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1)) rp=scpr(0.D0,ws(na1),g,n) if(abs(gg+rp).gt.5.D-1*max(gg,abs(rp)))then c if(abs(gg+rp).gt.1.D-2*max(gg,abs(rp)))then print 2,'gg,rp,gg+rp',gg,rp,gg+rp goto98 endif snorm=sqrt(scpr(0.D0,ws(na1),ws(na1),n)) plus=.true. endif c print 4,'s (or -s if =',(ws(i),i=na1,na+n) c form At.s and denominators call form_Ats(n1,lp(1),n,plus,a,la,ws(na1),w,ls,snorm*tol) c return from degeneracy code 30 continue if( write(nout,1000)'x variables',(x(i),i=1,n) write(nout,1001)'residual vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=n1,lp(1)) write(nout,1000)'denominators',(w(abs(ls(j))),j=n1,lp(1)) endif 40 continue c level 1 ratio tests amax=ainfty qj=0 qj1=0 do 41 j=n-k+1,n i=ls(j) if(i.le.0)print *,'i.le.0' if(i.le.0)goto98 si=ws(na+i) if(si.eq.0.D0)goto41 t=abs(si) c if(t.le.tol)goto41 if( z=bu(i)-x(i) if(abs(z).lt.tol)then z=0.D0 x(i)=bu(i) else z=z/t endif else z=x(i)-bl(i) if(abs(z).lt.tol)then z=0.D0 x(i)=bl(i) else z=z/t endif endif if( amax=z qj=j 41 continue if( amax=bu(p)-bl(p) qj=pj endif if( alpha1=ainfty do 42 j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) wi=w(i) if(wi.eq.0.D0)goto42 ri=r(i) if( if( z=(ri+tol)/wi else if( z=ri/wi if( alpha1=z qj1=j endif endif z=(bl(i)-bu(i)+ri-tol)/wi endif if( amax=z qj=j 42 continue if( c find feasible step that zeros most infeasible c/s do 43 j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) wi=w(i) if( ri=r(i) if( z=ri/wi if( alpha1=z qj1=j endif endif 43 continue amax=alpha1 qj=qj1 else qj1=0 endif else do 44 j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) wi=w(i) if(wi.eq.0.D0)goto44 ri=r(i) if( z=(ri+tol)/wi else z=(bl(i)-bu(i)+ri-tol)/wi endif if( amax=z qj=j 44 continue endif q=abs(ls(qj)) if( * write(nout,*)'q,r(q),w(q) =',q,r(q),w(q) if( if(w(q).gt.0.D0)then amax=r(q)/w(q) else amax=(bl(q)-bu(q)+r(q))/w(q) endif endif if(amax.eq.0.D0.and.rp.le.0.D0)then alpha=0.D0 c potential degeneracy block at level 1 if(p.eq.0)goto65 if(bu(q) plev=n do j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) if(r(i).eq.0.D0)then plev=plev+1 call iexch(ls(j),ls(plev)) if(bu(i) endif enddo if( lp(2)=plev lev=2 alp(1)=f f=0.D0 qj=pj q=p if(,'(''pivots ='',I5,'' level = 2'', * '' f ='',E16.8)')npv,f goto86 endif qj=n1 r(q)=0.D0 c print *,'only one degenerate c/s' goto70 endif if( alpha=amax if(plus)then call mysaxpy(alpha,ws(na1),x,n) else call mysaxpy(-alpha,ws(na1),x,n) endif else c take a Ritz value off the stack c print 4,'Ritz values =',(v(i),i=1,nv) if( alpha=min(1.D0/v(nv),amax) nv=nv-1 else alpha=amax nv=0 endif c line search alphar=amax alphal=0.D0 dalpha=alpha fi=f fr=ainfty ggo=gg gs=rp gsi=gs c print 2,'f0,fi,gsi,amax =',f0,fi,gsi,amax 51 continue c calculate new x if(plus)then call saxpyz(alpha,ws(na1),x,ws(nb1),n) else call saxpyz(-alpha,ws(na1),x,ws(nb1),n) endif call funct(n,ws(nb1),fp,ws,lws,cws) if( nfn=nfn+1 df=f-fp c check for lack of improvement if( c print 2,'alphal,alpha,fp =',alphal,alpha,fp if(*gs)then c print *,'alpha too small' if( ifail=4 return endif fr=fp alphar=alpha z=5.D-1/(1.D0+df/(gs*dalpha)) c print 2,'df,z =',df,z dalpha=dalpha*max(1.D-1,z) alpha=alphal+dalpha nv=0 goto51 endif f=fp call grad(n,ws(nb1),g,ws,lws,cws) ngr=ngr+1 c print 4,'new g =',(g(i),i=1,n) call newg gps=scpr(0.D0,g,ws(na1),n) if( c print 2,'fp,gps',fp,gps c print 2,'alphal,alpha,alphar',alphal,alpha,alphar c check for non-positive curvature if(*gsi.and. * ( c if( alphal=alpha if(fr.eq.ainfty)then alpha=min(alpha*5.D0,amax) dalpha=alpha-alphal else dalpha=alphar-alpha z=max(2.D-1,5.D-1/(1.D0+(f-fr)/(gps*dalpha))) dalpha=dalpha*z alpha=min(alpha+dalpha,amax) endif gs=gps nv=0 goto51 endif c end of line search 52 continue do i=1,n x(i)=ws(nb+i) enddo if(ig.eq.0)goto60 ig1=ig+1 if( call fbsub(n,1,n,a,la,0,g,w,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),.true.) c print 4,'new rg =',(w(ls(j)),j=n-k+1,n) if( if(k**maxg)then ifail=9 return endif call store_rg(k,ig1,ws(krg1),w,ls(n-k+1)) gpg=0.D0 gg=0.D0 do j=n-k+1,n i=ls(j) gpg=gpg+r(i)*w(i) gg=gg+w(i)**2 enddo rgnorm=sqrt(gg) c print 2,'gpg,gg',gpg,gg c print 2,'f =',f call signst(n,r,w,ls) ws(ka+ig)=1.D0/alpha ws(kb+ig1)=gg ws(kc+ig)=gpg if( c compute new Ritz values if(ngv.eq.0)then nv=1 v(1)=1.D0/alpha else nv=min(ngv-1,k) if(nv.le.0)print 1,'ngv,k,ig,nv =',ngv,k,ig,nv if(nv.le.0)goto98 c print 1,'ngv,k,ig,nv =',ngv,k,ig,nv c print 4,'G =',(ws(krg+i),i=1,k*ngv) c print 4,'a =',(ws(ka+i),i=1,ngv) c print 4,'b =',(ws(kb+i),i=1,ngv+1) c print 4,'c =',(ws(kc+i),i=1,ngv) call formR(nv,k,ig,maxg,ws(ka1),ws(kb1),ws(kc1),ws(kd1), * ws(ke1),ws(krg1),ws(kr1)) c call checkT(nv,maxg,ws(kr1),ws(ke1),ws(kd1)) call formT(nv,maxg,ws(kr1),v,ws(ke1)) c print 4,'T matrix',(v(i),i=1,nv) c if( 5,(ws(ke+i),i=1,nv-1) call trid(v,ws(ke1),nv) c print 4,'eigenvalues of T',(v(i),i=1,nv) call insort(nv,v) c print 4,'sorted eigenvalues of T',(v(i),i=1,nv) endif nv0=nv f0=f endif ig=ig1 endif 60 continue if( c update r for inactive c/s iter=iter+1 if( n_inf=0 ff=f f=0.D0 do 61 j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) if(w(i).eq.0.D0)then if(r(i).ge.0.D0)goto61 n_inf=n_inf+1 f=f-r(i) goto61 endif ri=r(i)-alpha*w(i) if(abs(ri).le.tol)ri=0.D0 if(r(i).lt.0.D0)then if( c remove contribution to gradient if( call saipy(sign(1.D0,dble(ls(j))),a,la,i-n,g,n) else g(i)=0.D0 endif else n_inf=n_inf+1 f=f-ri endif endif if(w(i).lt.0.D0)then ro=(bu(i)-bl(i))-ri if(abs(ro).le.tol)ro=0.D0 if( ri=ro ls(j)=-ls(j) endif endif if(ri.eq.0.D0.and.i.le.n)then if(ls(j).ge.0)then x(i)=bl(i) else x(i)=bu(i) endif endif r(i)=ri 61 continue if( call iexch(ninf,n_inf) call newg c elseif( elseif(*ff+ff)then goto98 endif else n_inf=0 do 62 j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) if(w(i).eq.0.D0)goto62 ri=r(i)-alpha*w(i) if(w(i).lt.0.D0)then ro=(bu(i)-bl(i))-ri if( ri=ro w(i)=-w(i) ls(j)=-ls(j) endif endif if(ri.le.tol)then ri=0.D0 if(i.le.n)then if(ls(j).ge.0)then x(i)=bl(i) else x(i)=bu(i) endif endif endif r(i)=ri 62 continue endif endif if( if( c continue limited memory SD iterations if(,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8,'' rg ='',E12.4, * '' k ='',I4)')npv,f,rgnorm,k if( print *,'alpha.le.0' goto98 endif c Cauchy step with SE iteration k=k+1 if(p.le.n)then ls(pj)=p goto15 endif c case p>n: find best inactive simple bound to replace p in ls(pj) t=0.D0 do j=n1,lp(1) i=abs(ls(j)) if(i.le.n)then ti=abs(ws(na+i)) if( t=ti qj=j endif endif enddo if(t.le.snorm*tol)then print *,'no suitable simple bound available' goto98 endif q=abs(ls(qj)) ls(qj)=q if(,1)'New free variable',q goto70 endif 65 continue if( * write(nout,*)'New active c/s: alpha =',alpha,' q =',q if( c case alpha=amax and SD step: find best free variable to relax k=k-1 if(qj.le.n)then c case: q is a free variable if(ws(na+q).gt.0.D0)ls(qj)=-q call iexch(ls(qj),ls(n-k)) ig=0 if( goto15 endif call fbsub(n,n-k,n,a,la,q,w,w,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),.false.) c print 4,'w(n-k:n) =',(w(ls(j)),j=n-k,n) t=0.D0 do j=n-k,n i=ls(j) ti=abs(w(i))/e(i) if( t=ti pj=j endif enddo if(t.le.tol)then print *,'no suitable free variable to relax' goto98 endif p=ls(pj) call iexch(ls(pj),ls(n-k)) pj=n-k if(,*)'relax free variable',p endif c return from degeneracy with an equality c/s 70 continue if( c pivot interchange if(,*)'replace',p,' by',q if(p.eq.0)print *,'p.eq.0' if(p.eq.0)goto98 call pivot(p,q,n,nmi,a,la,e,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),ifail,npv) if( c if( if(ifail.eq.7)return if(,*)'failure detected in pivot (1)' c print *,'r(q),w(q),q',r(q),w(q),q goto98 endif if( if( *,'phase =',phase call iexch(ls(pj),ls(qj)) call iexch(ls(lp(1)),ls(qj)) lp(1)=lp(1)-1 if( goto9 endif if( ri=x(p)-bl(p) ro=bu(p)-x(p) if( ri=ro ls(pj)=-p endif if(ri.le.tol)ri=0.D0 r(p)=ri ig=0 else rpu=max(bu(p)-bl(p)-alpha,0.D0) if(alpha.le.rpu)then rpu=alpha else ls(pj)=-ls(pj) endif if(abs(rpu).le.tol)rpu=0.D0 r(p)=rpu endif c print 2,'r(p)',r(p) call iexch(ls(pj),ls(qj)) if( peq=peq+1 call iexch(ls(pj),ls(peq)) endif if(ninf.eq.0)then if(phase.eq.0)goto9 if(phase.eq.1)goto10 endif goto15 endif c opposite bound comes active if(ninf.eq.0)then if(,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8)')npv,f elseif(phase.eq.0)then if(,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8,'' ninfb ='',I4)') * npv,f,ninf else if(,'(''pivots ='',I5, * '' level = 1 f ='',E16.8,'' ninf ='',I4)') * npv,f,ninf endif ls(pj)=-ls(pj) if( r(p)=-rp goto20 c unbounded solution case 75 continue irep=irep+1 if( mode=4 if(,*) * 'unbounded solution identified: refinement step #',irep goto8 endif ifail=1 c tidy up x do i=1,n x(i)=max(min(x(i),bu(i)),bl(i)) enddo do j=n1,nm i=abs(ls(j)) if(r(i).eq.0.D0.and.i.le.n)then if(ls(j).ge.0)then x(i)=bl(i) else x(i)=bu(i) endif endif enddo nv=nv0 return c recursive code for resolving degeneracy (Wolfe's method) 80 continue c calculate multipliers call fbsub(n,1,n,a,la,0,g,w,ls,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),.true.) call signst(n,r,w,ls) c reset multiplier loop 82 continue if( write(nout,1001)'costs vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=1,n) c write(nout,1000)'steepest edge coefficients', c * (e(abs(ls(j))),j=1,n) if(,1) * '# active equality c/s and free variables = ',peq,k endif 84 continue call optest(peq+1,n-k,r,e,ls,rp,pj) if(-rp.le.gtol)then if(,*)'return to level 1' lev=1 f=alp(1) do j=n1,lp(2) r(abs(ls(j)))=0.D0 enddo lev=1 if( goto20 endif call iexch(ls(pj),ls(n-k)) pj=n-k plus=ls(pj).ge.0 p=abs(ls(pj)) rp=r(p) c compute search direction s in an(.) call tfbsub(n,a,la,p,ws(na1),ws(na1),ws(lu1),lws(ll1), * e(p),.true.) rp=scpr(0.D0,ws(na1),g,n) if(ls(pj).lt.0)rp=-rp if(rp*r(p).le.0.D0)then r(p)=0.D0 goto84 endif if(abs(rp-r(p)).gt.5.D-1*max(abs(rp),abs(r(p))))then c if(abs(rp-r(p)).gt.1.D-1*gnorm)then print 2,'2rp,r(p),rp-r(p)',rp,r(p),rp-r(p) goto98 endif snorm=e(p) c form At.s and denominators call form_Ats(n1,lp(lev),n,plus,a,la,ws(na1),w,ls,snorm*tol) 86 continue if( write(nout,1001)'residual vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=n1,lp(lev)) write(nout,1000)'denominators',(w(abs(ls(j))),j=n1,lp(lev)) endif 88 continue c ratio test at higher levels alpha=ainfty qj=0 do 90 j=n1,lp(lev) i=abs(ls(j)) wi=w(i) if(wi.le.0.D0)goto90 if(r(i).lt.0.D0)goto90 z=(r(i)+tol)/wi if( alpha=z qj=j 90 continue if(qj.eq.0)then do j=n1,lp(lev) i=abs(ls(j)) w(i)=min(w(i),0.D0) r(i)=0.D0 enddo call form_Ats(lp(lev)+1,lp(lev-1),n,plus,a,la,ws(na1), * w,ls,snorm*tol) lev=lev-1 f=alp(lev) if(,*)'UNBOUNDED: p =',p, * ' return to level',lev if( if( write(nout,1001)'costs vector and indices', * (ls(j),r(abs(ls(j))),j=1,n) if( 1, * '# active equality c/s and free variables = ',peq,k endif c call check(n,lp(1),nmi,kmax,g,a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,ws(nb1),f, c * ws,lws,cws,ninf,peq,k,1,p,rp) goto30 endif q=abs(ls(qj)) alpha=r(q)/w(q) ff=f+alpha*rp if( write(nout,*)'alpha =',alpha,' p =',p,' q =',q write(nout,2)'r(p),r(q),w(q) =',r(p),r(q),w(q) endif c test for equality c/s if(bu(q) do j=n1,lp(2) r(abs(ls(j)))=0.D0 enddo lev=1 f=alp(1) alpha=0.D0 if(,*)'EQTY: p =',p,' q =',q, * ' return to level 1' goto70 endif if(alpha.eq.0.D0)then c potential degeneracy block at level lev if( ifail=8 return endif r(q)=0.D0 plev=n do j=n1,lp(lev) i=abs(ls(j)) if(r(i).eq.0.D0)then plev=plev+1 call iexch(ls(j),ls(plev)) if(bu(i) endif enddo if( lev=lev+1 lp(lev)=plev alp(lev)=f f=0.D0 if(,*) * 'degeneracy: increase level to ',lev if(,'(''pivots ='',I5,A,''level ='',I2, * '' f ='',E16.8)')npv,spaces(:3*lev-1),lev,f goto86 endif qj=n1 endif iter=iter+1 if(,*)'replace',p,' by',q call pivot(p,q,n,nmi,a,la,e,ws(lu1),lws(ll1),ifail,npv) if( c if( if(ifail.eq.7)return c call iexch(ls(pj),ls(qj)) if(,*)'failure detected in pivot (2)' c print *,'r(q),w(q),q',r(q),w(q),q goto98 endif c update r and f do j=n1,lp(lev) i=abs(ls(j)) ri=r(i)-alpha*w(i) if(abs(ri).le.tol)ri=0.D0 r(i)=ri enddo f=ff c exchange a constraint r(p)=alpha if(r(p).le.tol)r(p)=0.D0 call iexch(ls(pj),ls(qj)) if(,'(''pivots ='',I5,A,''level ='',I2, * '' f ='',E16.8)')npv,spaces(:3*lev-1),lev,f goto80 c restart sequence 98 continue do i=1,n x(i)=min(bu(i),max(bl(i),x(i))) enddo nk=peq do j=peq+1,n-k i=abs(ls(j)) if( nk=nk+1 ls(nk)=ls(j) endif enddo k=n-nk mode=2 ires=ires+1 if(,*)'major restart #',ires tol=1.D1*tol if(ires.le.nres)goto7 ifail=10 return 1000 format(a/(e16.5,4e16.5)) 1001 format(a/(i4,1x,e11.5,4(i4,1x,e11.5))) c1000 format(a/(e18.8,3e19.8)) c1001 format(a/(i3,1x,e14.8,3(i4,1x,e14.8))) end c block data defaults c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c common/epsc/eps,tol,emin c common/repc/sgnf,nrep,npiv,nres c common/refactorc/mc,mxmc c common/wsc/kk,ll,kkk,lll,mxws,mxlws c data eps, tol, emin, sgnf, nrep, npiv, nres, mxmc, kk, ll c * /1111.D-19, 1.D-12, 0.D0, 1.D-8, 2, 3, 2, 500, 0, 0/ c end subroutine stmap(n,nm,kmax,maxg) c set storage map for workspace in glcpd and auxiliary routines implicit double precision (a-h,r-z), integer (i-q) common/wsc/kk,ll,kkk,lll,mxws,mxlws common/lcpdc/na,na1,nb,nb1,krg,krg1,kr,kr1, * ka,ka1,kb,kb1,kc,kc1,kd,kd1,ke,ke1,lu1,ll1 c double precision storage (ws) c locations 1:kk are user workspace for funct and grad c scratch slots of length n+m and n na=kk na1=kk+1 nb=na+nm nb1=nb+1 c workspace of length kmax*maxg for reduced gradient vectors krg=nb+n krg1=krg+1 c a slot of length maxg*(maxg+1)/2 and 5 slots of length maxg for sweep method kr=krg+kmax*maxg kr1=kr+1 ka=kr+maxg*(maxg+1)/2 ka1=ka+1 kb=ka+maxg kb1=kb+1 kc=kb+maxg kc1=kc+1 kd=kc+maxg kd1=kd+1 ke=kd+maxg ke1=ke+1 c remaining space for use by denseL.f or schurQR.f lu1=ke1+maxg c total number of double precision locations required by glcpd kkk=nm+n+maxg*(maxg+1)/2+maxg*(kmax+5) c integer storage (lws) c locations 1:ll are user workspace for funct and grad c number of integer locations required by glcpd lll=0 c remaining space for use by denseL.f or schurQR.f ll1=ll+1 return end subroutine check(n,nm,nmi,kmax,g,a,la,x,bl,bu,r,ls,an,f, * ws,lws,cws,ninf,peq,k,lev,p,alp2) implicit double precision (a-h,r-z), integer (i-q) dimension g(*),a(*),la(*),x(*),bl(*),bu(*),r(*),ls(*), * an(*),ws(*),lws(*) character cws(*) common/noutc/nout common/epsc/eps,tol,emin c if(lev.eq.2)then c do i=1,n c an(i)=g(i) c enddo c e=alp2*sign(1.D0,dble(p)) c i=abs(p) c if(i.le.n)then c an(i)=an(i)-e c else c call saipy(-e,a,la,i-n,an,n) c endif c goto1 c endif j=nmi*(nmi+1)/2 do i=1,nmi j=j-abs(ls(i)) enddo if(,*)'indexing error' if( do j=1,peq i=abs(ls(j)) if(bu(i) write(nout,*)'non-equality constraint i =',i stop endif enddo do j=n-k+1,n i=ls(j) if( write(nout,*)'faulty free variable: i, j =',i,j stop endif enddo e=0.D0 do j=n+1,nm i=abs(ls(j)) if(i.le.n)then s=x(i) else s=aiscpr(n,a,la,i-n,x,0.D0) endif if(ls(j).gt.0)then c print *,'i,s,r(i),bl(i)',i,s,r(i),bl(i) s=r(i)-s+bl(i) else s=r(i)+s-bu(i) endif if(abs(s).le.tol*max(1.D0,abs(r(i))))s=0.D0 if(abs(s).gt.e)then e=abs(s) ie=i endif enddo if(,*)'residual error at level 1 = ',e,ie c if( if( if(ninf.eq.0)then call funct(n,x,ff,ws,lws,cws) call grad(n,x,an,ws,lws,cws) else do i=1,n an(i)=0.D0 enddo ff=0.D0 do j=n+1,nm i=abs(ls(j)) if(r(i).lt.0.D0)then ff=ff-r(i) if( call saipy(-sign(1.D0,dble(ls(j))),a,la,i-n,an,n) else an(i)=an(i)-sign(1.D0,dble(ls(j))) endif endif enddo endif gnm=sqrt(scpr(0.D0,an,an,n)) if(lev.eq.1.and.max(abs(f),abs(ff)).lt.1.D20)then e=abs(ff-f) if(*max(1.D0,abs(f)))write(nout,*)'function error = ',e, * ' f(x) =',ff c if( c if(*max(1.D0,abs(f)))print 4,'x =',(x(j),j=1,n) if(*max(1.D0,abs(f)))stop endif 1 continue e=0.D0 do j=1,n c write(nout,*)'an =',(an(i),i=1,n) i=abs(ls(j)) s=sign(1.D0,dble(ls(j))) if(i.le.n)then c print *,'i,s,r(i)',i,s,r(i) an(i)=an(i)-s*r(i) if( s=max(0.D0,bl(i)-x(i),x(i)-bu(i)) elseif(ls(j).gt.0)then s=x(i)-bl(i) else s=bu(i)-x(i) endif else c print *,'i,s,r(i)',i,s,r(i) call saipy(-s*r(i),a,la,i-n,an,n) if(ls(j).gt.0)then s=aiscpr(n,a,la,i-n,x,-bl(i)) else s=-aiscpr(n,a,la,i-n,x,-bu(i)) endif endif if(abs(s).gt.e)then e=abs(s) ie=i endif enddo if(,*)'residual error at level 2 = ',e,ie c if( c if( 4,'x =',(x(i),i=1,n) if( e=0.D0 do j=1,n if(abs(an(j)).gt.e)then e=abs(an(j)) ie=ls(j) je=j endif enddo if(*tol)write(nout,*)'KT condition error = ',e,je,ie,gnm c if(*tol)write(nout,4)'KT cond_n errors = ',(an(i),i=1,n) c if(*tol)stop if( 2 format(A,5E15.7) 4 format(A/(5E15.6)) return end