christen this file checkd.f c Copyright (C) 2010 Roger Fletcher c Current version 20 January 2011 c THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE ECLIPSE PUBLIC c LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM c CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT subroutine checkd(n,m,x,al,ws,lws,maxa,maxla,maxu,maxiu, * mxws,mxlws,tol,iprint,nout,ifail) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c first derivative checking subroutine for use with filterSD code c Parameters c ********** c n set number of variables c m set number of constraints c x set any vector of variables in x(i), i=1,n c al set a vector of differencing increments in al(i), i=1,n c (al(i) is the difference interval for x(i) and must be nonzero, c say 0.01 times the typical magnitude of x(i)) c ws double precision workspace (the amount required for filterSD.f should c be plenty) c lws integer workspace (use the amount required for filterSD.f) c maxa set as maxa parameter for filterSD c maxla set as maxla parameter for filterSD c maxu set as maxu parameter for filterSD c maxiu set as maxiu parameter for filterSD c mxws set the length of ws as provided in the driver c mxlws set the length of lws as provided in the driver c tol tolerace (>0) for reporting inconsistencies in derivatives (eg 1.D-12) C iprint verbosity of printing (0=none, 1=one line per iteration, C 2=additional text information given) C nout output channel for write(nout,*)ing c ifail returns failure indication as follows c -1 = ws not large enough c -2 = lws not large enough c -3 = derivative inconsistency in constraint/variable c Usage c ***** c The user must write subroutines 'functions' and 'gradients' as for filterSD c Write a driver program for your problem, but replace the call of filterSD c by a call of checkd (having set differencing increments in al). c The program will report any inconsistencies in the derivatives. c If the difference quotient estimate lies between the derivatives c at x and x+h (h is the perturbation stored in in al) then the c derivative is assumed to be correct. Small errors in this c comparison may be ignored. If no errors are reported then the c call of filter.. may be restored. dimension x(*),al(*),ws(*),lws(*) if ( write(nout,*) 'entering checkd' m1=m+1 c set real storage map for ws c first maxu locations are user storage for functions and gradients c vectors required by checkd: two slots of length maxa for a(*) last1=maxu+1 next1=last1+maxa c slot of length m+1 for f,c at x ncx0=next1+maxa ncx1=ncx0+1 c slot of length m+1 for f,c at x + h.e_i ncxd0=ncx0+m1 ncxd1=ncxd0+1 c total length of ws used is kk=ncxd0+m if( if ( write(nout,1) 'ws not large enough: kk, mxws =',kk,mxws endif ifail = -1 return endif c set integer storage map for lws c first maxiu locations are user storage for functions and gradients c storage of length maxla for la(0:*) nla1=maxiu+1 c total storage needed is ll=nla1+maxla-1 if( if ( write(nout,1) 'lws not large enough: ll, mxlws =',ll,mxlws endif ifail = -2 return endif call functions(n,m,x,ws(ncx0),ws(ncx1),ws,lws) call gradients(n,m,x,ws(last1),ws,lws) c if ( c write(nout,4) 'ws_0',(ws(j),j=last1,last1+7) c endif do i=1,n xi=x(i) x(i)=x(i)+al(i) call functions(n,m,x,ws(ncxd0),ws(ncxd1),ws,lws,iflag) call gradients(n,m,x,ws(next1),ws,lws,iflag) do 10 j=0,m dfi=(ws(ncxd0+j)-ws(ncx0+j))/al(i) a_ij=aij(i,j,ws(last1),lws(nla1)) ah_ij=aij(i,j,ws(next1),lws(nla1)) if(( * ( if ( write(nout,1) * 'derivative inconsistency in constraint/variable',j,i write(nout,*) 'deriv at x, diff quotient, deriv at x+h =', * a_ij,dfi,ah_ij write(nout,*) 'c at x+h, c at x',ws(ncxd0+j),ws(ncx0+j) c write(nout,1) 'la(0) =',la(0) c write(nout,1) 'c/s j pointer =',la(la(0)+j) c write(nout,3) 'c/s j indices', c * (la(k),k=la(la(0)+j),la(la(0)+j+1)-1) c write(nout,4) 'c/s j entries', c * (a(k),k=la(la(0)+j),la(la(0)+j+1)-1) endif ifail = -3 return 10 continue x(i)=xi enddo if ( write(nout,*) 'derivative check successful' if ( write(nout,*) 'exiting checkd' 1 format(A,15I5) 2 format(A,6E15.7) 3 format(A/(20I4)) 4 format(A/(6E15.7)) return end