subroutine backtracking(dim,x,m,lambda,rho,equatn,linear,f,d,gtd, +alpha,fp,xp,evalaldim,setpdim,btinfo,inform) C SCALAR ARGUMENTS integer btinfo,dim,inform,m double precision alpha,f,fp,gtd C ARRAY ARGUMENTS logical equatn(m),linear(m) double precision d(dim),lambda(m),rho(m),x(dim),xp(*) C SUBROUTINE ARGUMENTS external evalaldim,setpdim C Backtracking with quadratic interpolation. C C btinfo: C C 0: Armijo satisfied C 2: Unbounded objective function? C 3: Too small backtracking step. Wrong gradient? include "dim.par" include "" include "algconst.par" include "" include "" C LOCAL SCALARS logical samep integer i,interp double precision atmp interp = 0 2010 continue C Test Armijo condition if ( fp .le. f + alpha * gamma * gtd ) then C Finish backtracking with the current point btinfo = 0 if ( iprintinn .ge. 6 ) then C write(*, 900) write(10,900) end if return end if C Test f going to -inf if ( fp .le. fmin ) then C Finish backtracking with the current point btinfo = 2 if ( iprintinn .ge. 6 ) then C write(*, 920) write(10,920) end if return end if C Test if we obtained a functional value similar to the current one C associated to a very small step samep = .true. do i = 1,dim if ( xp(i) .gt. x(i) + macheps23 * max(1.0d0,abs(x(i))) .or. + xp(i) .lt. x(i) - macheps23 * max(1.0d0,abs(x(i))) ) then samep = .false. end if end do if ( samep .and. fp .le. f + macheps23 * abs(f) ) then C Finish backtracking with the current point btinfo = 3 if ( iprintinn .ge. 6 ) then C write(*, 930) write(10,930) end if return end if C Compute new step interp = interp + 1 atmp = ( - gtd * alpha ** 2 ) / + ( 2.0d0 * ( fp - f - alpha * gtd ) ) if ( atmp .ge. sigma1 * alpha .and. + atmp .le. sigma2 * alpha ) then alpha = atmp else alpha = alpha / etaint end if C Compute new trial point do i = 1,dim xp(i) = x(i) + alpha * d(i) end do call setpdim(dim,xp) call evalaldim(dim,xp,m,lambda,rho,equatn,linear,fp,inform) if ( inform .lt. 0 ) return C Print information of this iteration if ( iprintinn .ge. 6 ) then C write(*, 110) alpha,fp,fcnt write(10,110) alpha,fp,fcnt end if go to 2010 C NON-EXECUTABLE STATEMENTS 110 format( 5X,'Alpha = ',1P,D7.1,' F = ',1P,D24.16,' FE = ',I7) 900 format( 5X,'Flag of backtracking: Armijo condition holds.') 920 format( 5X,'Flag of backtracking: Unbounded objective function?') 930 format( 5X,'Flag of backtracking: Too small backtracking step.') end