pyOpt - Building and Installing =============================== Copyright (c) 2008-2013, pyOpt Developers Requirements ------------ pyOpt has the following dependencies: * Python 2.4+ * Numpy 1.0+ * Swig 1.3+ * c/FORTRAN compiler (compatible with f2py) Further dependencies to take advantage of parallel computing capabilities are: * mpi4py Notes: * In Windows MinGW is recommended if c/FORTRAN compilers are not available * In Linux, the python header files (python-dev) are also required. * Compatibility on Windows 64bit has not been tested Installation ------------ To install the pyOpt package in a folder on the Python search path (usually in site-packages/) run: >>> python install Alternatively, to use pyOpt from the current directory without installing it run: >>> python inplace this will compile all available optimizers and place the libraries in the corresponding directory. Notes: * You may want to uninstall any previous version of pyOpt before installing a new version, as there may be conflicts. * Some optimizers are licensed and their sources are not included with this distribution. To use them, please request their sources from the authors as indicated in the optimizer LICENSE files, and place them in their respective source folders before installing the package. * In Windows, if MinGW is used make sure to install for it the C, C++, and Fortran compilers and run: >>> python install --compiler=mingw32 * Installing to site-packages/ requires root privileges on Linux. * By default pyOpt will attempt to use compilers available on the system. To get a list of available compilers and their corresponding flag on a specific system use: >>> python compilers