subroutine ksinit (x,xlb,xub,scale,work,mdv,mcon,mobj,mside, 1 mscale,jprnt,jtmax,jgrad,jsdrst,rdfun,adfun, 2 fdelt,fdmin,rhomn,rhomx,rhodl,munit,ireq) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /kscomm/ rdf ,adf ,fdl ,fdm ,rho ,drho ,rhomax, 1 fun0 ,slope ,delx ,alpha ,alpmax,a1 ,a2 , 2 a3 ,a4 ,f1 ,f2 ,f3 ,f4 ,alim , 3 atest ,ftest ,ifscl ,ifoff ,isx ,isx0 ,isxlb , 4 isxub ,iscl ,ig0 ,idf ,islp ,iobj0 ,iy , 5 ip ,ih ,ihess ,iside ,isact ,idobj ,idg , 6 itmp1 ,itmp2 ,inext ,jnext ,jsel ,itcnt ,icntr , 7 icnta ,isdflg,isdrst,ifncl ,nunit ,ndv ,ncon , 8 nobj ,nside ,nscale,iprnt ,itmax ,igrad ,limit dimension x(1),xlb(1),xub(1),scale(1),work(1) c c routine to initialize optimization parameters c for routine ksopt c c input parameters are c c x -- initial design variable values c c xlb -- lower bounds on design variables c c xub -- upper bounds on design variables c c scale -- scale factors for design variables c c work -- scratch array c c mdv -- number of design variables c c mcon -- number of constraints c c mobj -- number of objective functions c c mside -- flag =0 if no side constraints c c mscale-- flag selecting design variable scaling c =0 -- no scaling c <0 -- user supplied scaling in vector scale c >0 -- automatic scaling by ksopt every mscale c iterations c c jprnt -- print level flag (3 digit) c each print level includes all lower print levels c c hundreds digit - one-dimensional search print c 0 = no print c 1 = alpha and k-s function c 2 = proposed d.v. vector c c tens digit - gradient print c 0 = no print c 1 = df and dg c c ones digit - d.v. and constraint print c 0 = no print c 1 = initial and final iterations c 2 = all iterations c 3 = slope and search direction c 4 = hessian matrix c c jtmax -- maximum number of iterations c (default is 20) c c jgrad -- flag selecting user supplied information c =0 -- user supplies function and constraints c with gradients computed by finite c differences from within ksopt c =1 -- user supplies all function, constraint, c and gradient information c (default is 0) c c jsdrst-- number of iterations before restarting search c direction with steepest descent c (default is ndv+1) c c rdfun -- relative function change for termination c (default is 0.01) c c adfun -- absolute function change for termination c (default is 0.0) c c fdelt -- step size for computing finite differences c derivatives c (default is 0.01) c c fdmin -- minimum difference for computing c finite differences c (default is 0.0001) c c rhomn -- minimum multiplier for ks function c (default is 5.0) c c rhomx -- maximum multiplier for ks function c (default is 100.0) c c rhodl -- increment for rho c (default is computed internally) c c munit -- fortran unit number for output file c (default is 0) c c output parameters are c c work -- array containing information required c by routine ksopt. this array must not c be altered during execution of ksopt. c c ireq -- required length of work array c c author - Gregory A. Wrenn c location - Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. c 144 Research Drive c Hampton, Va. 23666 c c last modification - 24 July 1992 c c these subroutines are compatible with fortran 77 c jsel = 1 ndv = mdv ncon = mcon nobj = mobj nside = 0 nscale = mscale iprnt = 1 itmax = 20 igrad = 0 isdrst = jsdrst rdf = 0.01 adf = 0.0 fdl = 0.01 fdm = 0.0001 rho = 5.0 rhomax = 100.0 drho = 0.0 nunit = 0 itcnt = 1 icntr = 0 icnta = 0 isdflg = 0 ifncl = 0 c if (mdv .le. 0) ndv = 0 if (mcon .le. 0) ncon = 0 if (mobj .le. 0) nobj = 0 if (mside .ne. 0) nside = 1 if (jprnt .ge. 0) iprnt = jprnt if (jtmax .gt. 0) itmax = jtmax if (jgrad .ne. 0) igrad = 1 if (jsdrst.le. 0) isdrst= ndv + 1 if (rdfun .gt. 0.0) rdf = rdfun if (adfun .gt. 0.0) adf = adfun if (fdelt .gt. 0.0) fdl = fdelt if (fdmin .gt. 0.0) fdm = fdmin if (rhomn .gt. 0.0) rho = rhomn if (rhomx .ge. rho) rhomax= rhomx if (rhodl .gt. 0.0) drho = rhodl if (munit .gt. 0) nunit = munit c ntmp = 2 * ndv if (ntmp .lt. (nobj + ncon)) ntmp = nobj + ncon ifscl = 64 ifoff = ifscl + nobj isx = ifoff + nobj isx0 = isx + ndv isxlb = isx0 + ndv isxub = isxlb + ndv iscl = isxub + ndv ig0 = iscl + 2 * ndv idf = ig0 + ncon islp = idf + ndv iobj0 = islp + ndv iy = iobj0 + nobj ip = iy + ndv ih = ip + ndv ihess = ih + ndv * (ndv + 1) / 2 iside = ihess + ndv * (ndv + 1) / 2 isact = iside + ndv idobj = isact + ndv idg = idobj + nobj * ndv itmp1 = idg + ncon * ndv itmp2 = itmp1 + ntmp ireq = itmp2 + ntmp - 1 c if (ndv .eq. 0) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,ndv j = i - 1 xx = x(i) if (nside .eq. 0) go to 20 xbl = xlb(i) xbu = xub(i) if (xbl .le. xbu) go to 10 xb = (xbl + xbu) / 2.0 xbl = xb xbu = xb 10 continue if (xx .lt. xbl) xx = xbl if (xx .gt. xbu) xx = xbu x(i) = xx 20 continue ss = 1.0 if (nscale .gt. 0) ss = abs(xx) if (nscale .lt. 0) ss = abs(scale(i)) if (ss .lt. 1.0e-04) ss = 1.0 work(iscl + j) = ss work(isx + j) = xx / ss work(isx0 + j) = xx / ss if (nside .eq. 0) go to 30 work(isxlb + j) = xbl / ss work(isxub + j) = xbu / ss 30 continue c if (drho .gt. 0.0) go to 40 drho = (rhomax - rho) / 5.0 if (drho .lt. 10.0) drho = 10.0 if (drho .gt. 40.0) drho = 40.0 c 40 continue c if (iprnt .eq. 0 .and. ndv .gt. 0 .and. nobj .gt. 0) go to 60 write (nunit,70) write (nunit,80) ireq if (ndv .eq. 0) write (nunit,90) if (nobj .eq. 0) write (nunit,100) write (nunit,110) ndv,ncon,nobj,nside,nscale,iprnt,itmax,igrad write (nunit,120) rdf,adf,fdl,fdm,rho,rhomax,drho if (nside .ne. 0) go to 50 write (nunit,130) write (nunit,140) (i,x(i),work(iscl+i-1),i=1,ndv) go to 60 50 continue write (nunit,150) write (nunit,160) (i,x(i),work(iscl+i-1), 1 work(isxlb+i-1)*work(iscl+i-1), 2 work(isxub+i-1)*work(iscl+i-1),i=1,ndv) 60 continue if (ndv .eq. 0 .or. nobj .eq. 0) jsel = 0 call kscomp (work(1)) return c 70 format (1h1, 1 20x,40h========================================/ 1 21x,40h= =/ 2 21x,40h= KSOPT Multiobjective Optimizer =/ 3 21x,40h= =/ 4 21x,40h= Version 2.7 24 July 1992 =/ 5 21x,40h= =/ 6 21x,40h= Written by Gregory A. Wrenn =/ 7 21x,40h= =/ 8 21x,40h========================================///) 80 format (10x,43hThe work array must be dimensioned at least, 1 i10,12h words long.//) 90 format (/53h Number of design variables is zero -- optimization, 1 16h is not possible//) 100 format (/44h Number of objective functions is zero -- , 1 28hoptimization is not possible//) 110 format (/10h ndv=,i5,10h ncon=,i5,10h nobj=,i5, 1 10h nside=,i5,//10h nscale=,i5,10h iprint=,i5, 2 10h itmax=,i5,10h igrad=,i5) 120 format (/10h rdfun=,e14.7,2x,10h adfun=,e14.7/ 1 /10h fdelt=,e14.7,2x,10h fdmin=,e14.7/ 2 /10h rhomin=,e14.7,2x,10h rhomax=,e14.7,2x, 3 10h drho=,e14.7) 130 format (/42(1h-)/ 1 5x,6h d.v. ,6x,7hinitial,9x,6h scale/ 2 5x,6hnumber,6x,7h value ,9x,6hfactor/ 3 1x,42(1h-)) 140 format (4x,i5,4x,e12.5,4x,e12.5) 150 format (/73(1h-)/ 1 5x,6h d.v. ,6x,7hinitial,9x,6h scale,10x,5hlower, 2 11x,5hupper/ 3 5x,6hnumber,6x,7h value ,9x,6hfactor,10x,5hbound, 4 11x,5hbound/ 5 1x,73(1h-)) 160 format (4x,i5,4x,e12.5,4x,e12.5,4x,e12.5,4x,e12.5) end