subroutine kshess (hess,obj,fscale,offset,df,g,dg,scale,rho, 1 ndv,ncon,nobj,temp1,temp2,nodim,ncdim) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension hess(1),obj(1),fscale(1),offset(1),df(nodim,1) dimension g(1),dg(ncdim,1),scale(ndv,2),temp1(1),temp2(2,1) data toler /-40.0/ c c routine to compute approximate hessian matrix from c first order gradient information c c author - Gregory A. Wrenn c location - Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. c 144 Research Drive c Hampton, Va. 23666 c c last modification - 28 March 1991 c do 10 i = 1,nobj temp1(i) = obj(i) / fscale(i) + offset(i) 10 continue j = nobj if (ncon .le. 0) go to 30 do 20 i = 1,ncon j = j + 1 temp1(j) = g(i) 20 continue 30 continue c kk = 0 do 140 m = 1,ndv c do 40 i = 1,nobj temp2(1,i) = df(i,m) / fscale(i) 40 continue j = nobj if (ncon .le. 0) go to 60 do 50 i = 1,ncon j = j + 1 temp2(1,j) = dg(i,m) 50 continue 60 continue c do 130 n = 1,m c do 70 i = 1,nobj temp2(2,i) = df(i,n) / fscale(i) 70 continue j = nobj if (ncon .le. 0) go to 90 do 80 i = 1,ncon j = j + 1 temp2(2,j) = dg(i,n) 80 continue 90 continue c sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 sum3 = 0.0 sum4 = 0.0 ng = nobj + ncon gmax = temp1(1) if (ng .lt. 2) go to 110 do 100 i = 2,ng if (temp1(i) .gt. gmax) gmax = temp1(i) 100 continue 110 continue do 120 i = 1,ng d2grad = 0.0 if (n .eq. m) d2grad = 1.0 val = rho * (temp1(i) - gmax) if (val .lt. toler) go to 120 sum1 = sum1 + exp(val) sum2 = sum2 + exp(val) * temp2(1,i) sum3 = sum3 + exp(val) * rho * temp2(2,i) sum4 = sum4 + exp(val) * (rho * temp2(1,i) * temp2(2,i) 1 + d2grad) 120 continue c kk = kk + 1 if (n .eq. m) hess(kk) = (sum4 / sum1) - 1 (sum2 * sum3) / (sum1 * sum1) if (n .ne. m) hess(kk) = 0.0 c 130 continue 140 continue c return end