subroutine ksando (obj,g,fscale,offset,ncon,nobj) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension obj(1),g(1),fscale(1),offset(1) data eps/1.0e-6/ c c routine to compute scale and offset for obj c c author - Gregory A. Wrenn c location - Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. c 144 Research Drive c Hampton, Va. 23666 c c last modification - 12 September 1988 c if (ncon .le. 0) go to 20 gmax = g(1) if (ncon .eq. 1) go to 20 do 10 i = 2,ncon if (g(i) .gt. gmax) gmax = g(i) 10 continue c 20 continue do 30 j = 1,nobj fscl = abs(obj(j)) foff = abs(obj(j)) if (fscl .lt. 1.0) fscl = 1.0 if (foff .gt. 1.0) foff = 1.0 fscale(j) = fscl offset(j) = 0.0 c c compute offset if ncon > 0 c if (ncon .le. 0) go to 30 if (obj(j) .ge. 0.0) offset(j) = -foff - gmax - eps if (obj(j) .lt. 0.0) offset(j) = foff - gmax + eps 30 continue c return end